A little K/S swoonage for your Tuesday morning (or whatever)

Nov 24, 2009 09:39

Someone posted the alternative ending script for STXI on ontd_startrek again, and if you haven't read it or know what it is, you are totally missing out because while the ending of Star Trek was awesome, the alternative ending is geared more towards TOS fans because it has Shatner.

Basically, this is what it is: Spock Prime gives Spock a pendant which is actually a holo-emitter that has Kirk Prime singing Spock Prime happy birthday, and he tells Spock Prime that he wants to explore more of the galaxy with Spock, he misses him, and if there's any logic to the universe, they'll end up on that bridge again, someday.

Oh, that's very sweet, you tell me.

But wait. Let's think about this. Spock Prime was sucked into the black hole by accident, he didn't have time to pack his bags, which means that whatever was on him was all that went with him. This means that Spock Prime had a habit of wearing this pendant. I will share with you the same reaction I wrote on that post:

Spock always carried Kirk around his neck.
Spock always carried Kirk around his neck.
Spock always carried Kirk around his neck.
Spock always carried Kirk around his neck.
Spock always carried Kirk around his neck.
Spock always carried Kirk around his neck.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's not friendship. Kirk had been gone for nearly a century, 94 years, and still Spock wore a piece of him. There is no way they weren't bondmates. It breaks my little heart to pieces, but jesus christ, like The Captain (I'm talking about Brittany aka The Ship's Closet BAMF) said, "They don't write love stories like this anymore."

Now I can see why they left it out...it was TOO GAY. I think my oblivious mother could feel that big of a slash anvil. But still, even if I kind of want that to be the ending now, the movie still ended great, and really, all I can say is that IT EXISTS, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID.

Anyone have an idea how they can justify bringing Kirk Prime back? God nevermind, they'd never do it because the American public isn't ready for two old guys making out on the Enterprise. :P

...I really need to stop posting, but good god, I can't help it. Is there rehab for this? Because I feel a little love crazy, let me tell you.

slash, shaking and crying, their love is oh so canon, space husbands

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