IDEK, defriending and friend love, all in one

Nov 21, 2009 18:30

1. Did a defriending. Pretty much it's just people I think wouldn't miss me either, but if I'm dead wrong, comment and I'll add back in a jiffy.

2. Having perused my flist, I feel like a shitty friend for asking this, but does anyone know what happened to evenindeath? I'm worried and I'm wondering if she got a new journal or something.

3. I can't even begin to explain how much I love Star Trek. I can't get over how much better life has been since it came around, and it sounds really stupid, but it's kind of true. It's gotten me to really write again, and if there was another big bang scheduled soon, I'd hit that in an instant because I could so easily write a thousand different stories. The fandom is so happy and non-wanky, and there is no end to how much I love all of it, old and new. It's like two fandoms for the price of one, and for me there's no stronger OTP than Kirk/Spock, who rightfully deserve the honor of being the world's first slash pairing. There ALWAYS something new to see and to do, and really, it's so blinding that I barely have time to worry about all the little fandoms I still love and those I've found. So go on, tell me all about your love of Star Trek too. Can I get a witness for the power of the good news of Trek?

4. I've deleted my Twitter account. I just haven't gotten into it, and I most likely never will, so I just got rid of it altogether.

5. Had a Due South dream last night. It had a lot going, but what I remember is different cast members eating with this business lady, and the funny part was the woman pulled Ray Vecchio aside, pointed at Fraser and Kowalski and asked, "Are they...together? Like, fucking each other?" and Vecchio threw his hands up in the air and goes, "I don't know." LOL

6. I feel like loving the shit out of people today, I don't know why, but I am full of love. If you put in your comment, "love me!", I will sing your praises or gift you with gifs or other fun things. Especially if we haven't talked in a while, maybe our fandoms aren't matching currently, comment and I'll go retro, whatever you like.

psychics are hawt, boldly slashing where i've never slashed, twitter shit, friends cut, dreams, flist love, gifs

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