This post has lost its title. Pretend it was witty.

Nov 11, 2009 22:33

-Need to write my dear Santa letter for Yuletide. Question: Do I have to have it write by tomorrow? I've signed up, that I'm sure of. Jesus what have I gotten myself into? Oh yeah, I wanted Deathwatch fic. *crosses fingers*

Mmm, that's good.

-Have finished watching House. Am saddened that it's over, will hunt for more fic so I can get a good fix. House/Wilson recs?

-SPN tomorrow, whee!

-Everyone seems bummed on my flist. First Dollhouse, then J2 going up in smoke (though really, Jared was engaged forever and even I totally believed he would marry her, and look what happened after they broke it off; Jensen and Jared became roommates. The only logical conclusion that if this engagement doesn't work, we'll just have plain buttsex.), and a lot of other little things. I think everyone is also having crappy RL times. Well, I love you all, so there. I ramble pointlessly because I care and because I'm a needy whore.

-I am so not vidding until this fucking big bang is posted. I even have a sort of prequel that is almost finished as well as an idea for a wholly separate fic. FML, why did I go back into writing? Oh yeah, fucking Kirk/Spock. Those glorious bastards.

-Speaking of vidding, thought of wonderful Star Trek sims vid, but good god, why the fuck do I always feel the need to have a huge crowd scene? Do you know how hard it is to make a crowd scene? Think of dressing, accessorizing, controlling and moving around about 50 sims. Maybe I should do practice Star Trek sims vids, but I have no idea what to do with my seemingly endless possibilities. Should I maybe do what I did a long time ago and offer little one minute or so sims vids of the Star Trek nature? I need prompts, people!

-Tomorrow there's a new episode of The Ship's Closet. It's a ROMANCE all of the episodes are not about romance, lol. But oh man, I am so ready for the epicness.

-I miss Due South lately. It's like this fandom I totally forget about, and then all of a sudden I'm all CAPSLOCK about it and want to fangirl the shit out of it. I think I'll go back and read that circus fic in preparation for watching The Catch Trap. sineala said it was uber-slashy, so therefore I follow her good advice. I can't believe I've waited this long.

slash, my old man crush, big bang, writing, flist love, it's not lupus

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