Nov 09, 2009 20:22

Yes, I'm doing these now occasionally as well. :D

I loved the 80s scene, until I saw there was no Wilson and it was a crappy Cuddy/House scene. I'm tired of House/Cuddy, was tired of it for a long time. They will never work, seriously. Two people may have a certain chemistry and they may think they love each other, but when you want two totally separate kinds of lives, then you're fucked, sorry.

I don't like the House changes in personality. Mostly because I still think the nice guy thing is crap, as proven when he really did drug Wilson (again, lol) but with good intentions. Come on people, House/Wilson, it's fucking logical. I hope House never moves out. This domesticity thing makes the show 110% more fun to watch. I'm like this every time I see House in his pajamas around Wilson:

I loved surprise!PI guy (as I knew him as. It took me a few minutes to remember who he was, and I just watched those episodes last week, LOL.)

I didn't see the preview, but people are saying Taub is coming back in the next episode? Yay! You know I didn't like him at first, but the guy really grew on me in season five.

I know people hate Chase for what he's doing, but you know, I can't really hate him. Yeah he shouldn't have killed the guy even if he deserved it, but he's human. Plus, the writers are obviously preparing for a huge fall for him. They wouldn't harp on it this much unless later on he's going to suffer big time. Need believable angst, people.

Also, I just watched the episode where Kutner killed himself yesterday. DUDE, that would have been crazy had I not been spoiled even before I started watching the show. I expected a bit more from it, but you know, it is true that the serious suicidal people have no outward signs, and I could point out behaviors that led to it, like how he was weirdly happy around patients or the Christmas episode where he went and apologized to a short guy he bullied in high school. It was like he was trying to right wrongs before his death. :(

slash, episode reaction, it's not lupus

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