Big bang fic rec!

Nov 03, 2009 12:55

Read my first Kirk/Spock big bang, and of course it was the long one (81,000 words, I fucking LOVE big bangs) and I LOVE IT.

The story is So Wise, We Grow and it says that it's a kidfic and I was only going to read part one to see if it was any good, and I ended up staying up late, passing out, and opening it first thing in the morning. Unlike other fics where a character or two end up with a kid, this kid was surprisingly not the main focus and he was downplayed and an overall awesome original character. The summary doesn't mention that it's not actually Spock's son and the explanation is valid. The story has an amazing plot, HILARIOUS moments, and a romantic growth between Kirk and Spock that's gradual and amazing to watch. This is definitely one of the best K/S STXI fics yet, mostly because it's not a WIP like all the other good, long ones and because it's long, the build up of  their relationship is believable. So just go read; it's worth it.

Also, this is a reason I don't like being last. All these other great fics pop up before yours gets posted, so you feel like taking your own fic and maybe rewrting the whole thing before posting. Not that I will, because um, fuck no, lol.

On a related note, I'm kind of chagrined with the ST big bang, because I am sadly a one pairing gal, and dear lord, STXI has a lot of pairings, which is great because yay diversity, but I'm not into the other main pairing, Kirk/Bones, and I wish I was so I could read what a couple of my flisters have written. Maybe if I have time I'll try just for their sakes, because I know they're awesome and at least one of them is an AU, so that may help. I have been spoiled in other fandom big bangs, especially the past SPN big bangs (before season four, even if I dig Dean/Castiel, because by then I wasn't reading anything) because they were either gen or wincest, so I'd have, like, a thousand to read. But yay, there's a TOS big bang posted today. *does jig*

big bang, pimpin' ain't easy, recs

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