Deathwatch gifs!

Oct 28, 2009 12:06

I'm off to cook chicken noodle soup for the family, since my niece, nephew, and brother-in-law all have a cold, but first I wanted to share these gifs from the movie Deathwatch (you know, the Nimoy Gay Prison Movie) that I've been making. Just in time for the upcoming ontd_startrek party post, lol.

Too-hot-even-for-himself Nimoy invites you in.

First we'll begin with a macro that sums up my feelings on finding out that this movie existed.

Next we'll look at some non-slashy, but still hilarious or cool things with Nimoy. Pretty face shot of Nimoy.

Annoyed Nimoy.

Nimoy sitting the fuck up to smirk at you.

Nimoy playing in jewelry.

Nimoy jumping on a bed.

Now let's go a little sexier and more suggestive. Jealous/pining Nimoy:

Orgasmic!Nimoy that may end up on page 69 of party posts forevermore. Why are we bothering with all these silly projects? OUR NEXT PROJECT SHOULD BE A TIME MACHINE.

(seriously omg, sweaty, shirt open, orgasmic.)

Two different versions of "The Nightstick Scene." Holy fucking hell, this is as much phallic symbolization as one can hope for in any movie. The first is a slower small version of the most important parts, and the other is a gif of the whole thing in real time, ten seconds of that shit. 0_o

Jules smelling Greeneye's shirt when he leaves. Seriously, it's so sad how bad he has it.

Now we get to overt Jules/Greeneyes. Prepare to be bombarded by the gay.

...And I'm spent.

my old man crush, macros, i love gay men, ontd_startrek, party hard, photoshopping whore

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