Hot off the presses: Even more vintage K/S goodness

Oct 20, 2009 12:45

On ontd_startrek today, some wonderful soul stumbled across poetry in these books called The New Voyages that were published in 1976 with a forward from Gene Roddenberry. Now, all of these stories were written by fans, but there were introductions to the stories written by the original actors. Who really cares, you ask? Weeeelllll, the last two poems of the book, which were written as Spock poetry (you read right: poetry from Spock) are quite interesting, in that they were included in a fanwork endorsed by the actors and the creator. Why are they so interesting?

I thought the memory of you was gone-
I thought it buried underneath the years.
But now it rises, bright as Vulcan dawn,
And I remember you, and Earth, and tears.

Your tears were falling like the rains of Earth;
You were the storms and roses of Earth's spring.
You could not know that, almost from my birth
The rites of Vulcan bound me to T'Pring.

I could not break those ties; I had no choice-
Returned to space, left you and Earth behind.
But still I heard the echo of your voice,
Found rain and wind and roses in my mind.

You told me that you loved me, and you cried.
I said I had no feelings. And I lied.


My father gave no word of love to me.
My mother practiced laudable restraint.
My Vulcan childhood lessons logically
Prepared me to despise the human trait.

I could not blame T'Pring; I saw that she
Let flawless logic over pledge prevail.
For she would stop at nothing to be free
Wisely to mate with a pure Vulcan male.

Human tormentors do not understand
Acknowledgment of feelings causes pain,
Cruelly subvert defenses I had planned,
Plot anesthetize my watchful brain.

What will they find when I am ripped apart?
"I love you, Captain," written on my heart.




I've heard some other fun tidbits about this GQMF book and it looks like a good read, so I'm going to dig in the Star Trek novels file I downloaded and am so going to read it.

slash, shaking and crying, i love gay men, their love is oh so canon, space husbands

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