Do you remember when...

Oct 18, 2009 15:36 first saw Sam and Dean ninja fight each other at Stanford?

...SPN fandom's only big issue was wincest?

...practically SPN's only ship was wincest?

...Dean still believed that there were no angels?

...Sam got his ass handed to him, usually by choking, almost every week?

...Dean crying was a rare thing that made you cry too?

...Sam died in Dean's arms? jumped to the ceiling when the Winchesters were hit by a semi?

...the worst episode was Route 666?

...demons were hardly fought?

...there were no chick flick moments?

...Sam was the voice of reason in ethical dilemmas?

...that jock slow danced with an alien, and the writers managed to make that moment work?

...Dean fought to keep Sam by his side, but Sam wanted to be normal?

...Dean shot the yellow-eyed demon and they said goodbye to their dad?

...Sam and Dean made prison sexy so everyone wrote prison!fic?

...their worst fears were flying and clowns?

...Sam had psychic visions? couldn't predict what the hell was going to happen as soon as an episode started?

...their destiny was mysterious, had few details revealed until the end of the season, and you were interested in it? heard "Renegade?" heard "Silent Lucidity?" didn't dread hearing "Carry on My Wayward Son?"

...their biggest mystery was where in the hell their dad was?

...Sam and Dean had fun playing pranks on each other?

...nothing could turn Sam and Dean against each other?

...the show was about Sam and Dean?

As you can tell, nothing can beat the first two seasons of Supernatural. I wanted to remember how good it was, because even though there have been some good episodes since those first two seasons, nothing in my mind can compare to how damn good and wonderful the first two seasons are and when I was most involved in fandom. Here's hoping the rest of season five will be the last, and they'll go out by going back to the beginning and to why we all fell stupidly in love with this show. Now I think I'm going to rewatch these puppies when the first big hiatus comes up.

spn, wincest, nostalgia, fandom, sammy!, hellz to the yes

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