*sigh* I can't resist going on and on like I'm actually smart or something

Jan 16, 2009 22:50

Okay, I was replying to comments left by devidarkwolf  and quarterwhore  on my last entry, and I realized that I actually did have something to say about last night's episode, but didn't figure out what's been niggling at the back of my mind. Now, the episode was far from bad, but far from good.  Roadkill is a shitty episode.  Mystery Spot is an awesome one.  This fell at a 4.5 on the shitty scale, so not bad at all.  But I've realized this episode is continuing a trend that I don't like, and if you've ever talked to me, you might be able to guess what it is, because usually my peeves are from characters, not plot.  I'm pretty darn good with plot right now.  But characters...well, here's my deal:

I'm starting to become a "Dean" girl again, because of Sam's character development.  I haven't really picked up on it, but now I know what the hell is bothering me.

I'm underwhelmed by Sam.

I thought it was the old Smallville Lana thing.  See, whenever Lana showed up, she sucked all the interest out of the room.  So I thought it was Ruby doing it, the bad acting and shitty plotline robbing Sam of his interesting points.  Turns out, not so much.

This episode didn't even HAVE Ruby in it.

Look at it this way:  That confession at the end, Dean saying he kissed a boy tortured souls and he liked it. Sam just...sat there.  What.  The.  Hell.  At least he whimpered a little in heaven and hell, but god, he's just so...BORING.  And I've fallen for Sam this past year, and he's disappointing me.

I'm really, really, really hoping it's intended to be this way.  Because I think I know why, logically, he might be boring.  Dean was in hell, and we saw how Sam reacted.  Sam REALLY THOUGHT Dean wasn't coming back. He slept with a demon, just didn't give a fuck.  Now Dean's back and Sam's different, so yeah, I got that.  So when I think of Sam's reactions, I think it's not that Sam doesn't care.  I think he just understands Dean.  Season one Sam or even Season three Sam would have cried in these 'Dean reveals all' scenes.  He would have gotten mad at the world, probably making Dean a souffle and giving him a foot massage...hey, my journal, my fantasies.  :D  But this Sam is not horrified or not understanding of Dean.  Sam...Sam might very well want to torture some souls too.  Think of him in those four months without Dean.  Sam could probably understand very well what Dean went through.  I mean, not only did all this shit happen to Dean, but he was without Sam.  Think about it.  Dean sold his soul for his brother.  Imagine doing something like that for the one person you love and then knowing that you won't ever see them for the rest of eternity.  Put like that, I'd fucking rip some souls too.  And I think Sam underreacts because he knows he would have done the same, and he was only without Dean for four months.

Put it like that, I think I've managed to change my own mind about Sam this season.  In Heaven and Hell, he is visibly upset, because Dean is hurting.  But he wasn't in Family Remins because yeah Dean was hurting, but Sam understood that shit pretty well.  I've wanked myself into fangirly happiness!  I totally deserve oral sex for my accomplishment.

Also, I'm going to try to get my dad to watch Due South, lol.  I don't know what it is, but I always feel nervous sharing DS.  It's like, with SPN it's cool because it's a current show and it's very easy to spread it around because everyone should know it's awesome (GOD, there is nothing like watching the first season with someone new!)  I guess Due South makes me look dorky, pulling out a show from basically nowhere and no one has ever heard of it.  :/

Edit:  LOL, my Supernatural post has been taken over by Due South people.  \o/

thinky thoughts, family, the world according to bigmamag, meta, due south

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