
Dec 11, 2008 17:36

My thread is here for the time capsule meme.  You make a comment to yourself, the entry is locked, and a year later it is unlocked and you can read what you and your friends have to say about you.  Since 2008 was one of the worst and the most challenging year of my life, I thought I'd post and a year from now, see how I've changed.  God, a year ago.  Still in love, still had a bff, still wondering if I'd make it through college, and never having watched Due South or wanting to watch Due South at all. :D

ETA:  tnt_dynamite  tagged me.

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. Who ever does that?
B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

01. What are your nicknames?
--Only one I can say in a public post is sweet pea (mom)

02. How do you style your hair?
--I'm lazy.  I usually just pull it back into a ponytail.  When I want to dress up, I'll just let it hang.  It's naturally curly.

03. What's new in your life right now?
--I'm going to graduate next Saturday and I'm almost done with student teaching.

04. How many colours are you wearing now?
--LMAO, black, white, blue, yellow.  Not telling you how much I'm wearing.  :P

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

06. What are you doing while filling out this meme?
--Looking at the sad excuse of my bedroom and how much work I need to do this weekend.

07. Do you nap a lot?
--I have trouble napping.  I have to be very, very tired or very, very sick.

08. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?
--Kind of ran into this, but nothing.  They're taken, no dice.  I might tell them how I feel, but just because I'm too honest not to.

09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
--*snorts*  What hasn't?

10. What's your favorite dessert?
--My grandma's cookie pudding.  Oh god, it's delicious.

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
--About 20 minutes if I'm not showering in the morning.  If showering, 30.  !

12. What websites do you visit daily?
--Yahoo email, livejournal, neopets (whut?) and nothing else daily.  I frequently check, my other email, youtube, and others.  .

13. What classes are you taking right now? And if you're not in school any more, what's your job?
--Just student teaching.

14. Do you like to clean?
--Fuck no.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
--"Fallen Leaves" by Billy Talent

16. What's the last DVD you bought?
--Ever After.

17. Have you ever done anything not many people have?
--Probably not.  I'm pretty boring and predictable.

18. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
--Blue Bell Banana Pudding.  God, I could eat a half gallon of the stuff.

19. Best time of your life?
--I don't think I can recall a single trip or moment, but maybe it was those times when I was with my friends and it was simple and we played board games or told secrets.  I miss that.

20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming month?

I tag glorified_moron , kristiinthedark , jillybean_6939 , malcolm_stjay , mijmeraar , nataliadarimini , sway4829 , and twasadark .

meme, time capsule

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