Because I don't want to do housekeeping

Sep 20, 2008 10:31

Now that it's a bright new day and I've thought on SPN more, I've got a couple of points I've had thinky thoughts on.

♥ I'm actually kind of impressed with Castiel (is that how you spell it?).  He doesn't take shit, he's not all "god loves you and come on, give me a chance!" and it reminded me of houses of the holy when Sam talked about angels being feared.  So if they had to bring in god, I think they're doing okay thus far.  Plus, I kind of love that actor's eyes.  They're just so... penetrating and it's really like he's an ancient being that's been around a long time and has fought many wars.  And like I told someone in last night's comments, now I get to feel dirty wrong about slashing Dean with an angel of the lord as well as his brother.  *facepalm*

♥ Dean and Bobby's reunion moved me more than Sam and Dean's reunion.  I think this is the main reason why I feel cheated.  I mean, BOBBY, drinking, Dean saying he is like a father again, hug!  In a completely non-icky way, I love their relationship, and it hearkens back to AHBL2 with Bobby touching Dean's face.  Bobby would have made a great father.

♥ Sam actually using his powers.  I really, really want to see what else he can do.

♥ I've seen a lot of people worry about this becoming brother vs. brother.  I see it two different ways:  One, Dean is going to be used to keep Sam in check, to keep him from going darkside.  Sam could be the antichrist, Sam might gain too much evil and needs to be purged (ooh man, anyone else imagining some ritual sex right here?)  The other is that the angel will want Dean to fight Sam, and Dean will struggle with having to do that, like he did in season two with not being able to kill Sam, even if he turned darkside.  I think, however, the angel isn't stupid enough to believe Dean will turn against his baby brother.  He went to hell for him.  'Nuff said.

♥ Speaking of holy war, I really, really, really hope at some point Dean will sprout fucking wings.  I WOULD LAUGH FOR ALL ETERNITY.

Also, I saw the take a picture of yourself meme going around and I was wondering if anyone on my flist would like to see my mug.  If so, it'd have to be under a filter because I'm paranoid like that.

shaking and crying, spn reaction

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