Jun 24, 2003 09:16
I have to keep telling myself that all she's going to do is make me stronger in the end. That by playing the games she does i'm only going to build up a higher tolerance to it and make it easier on myself to deal with it. I just wish I knew why it bothers me so much now? What can I expect though. I mean were takling about a 17 year old that I know doesn't keep promises and from what i've seen probably doesn't want to spend time with me anyways. For whatever reason though it still finds a way to bother me. It's strange too, and I know your all going to think i'm nuts for saying this but i'm just being perfectly honest. I don't even know if i'll ever understand this myself but it's honestly become easier now for me to deal with finding out from either Jessica herself or someone else that she's fooled around and\or slept with another guy then it is for her to stand me up.
Going back to my first comment about her not wanting to spend time with me, I don't think I can remember the last time Jessica has really chased me around on the phone or what not actully wanting to spend time with me. It's always me calling her, and it always sound like it's a drag on her when I do call. I mean you guys talk to her, and from what I hear she tells you guys that she doesn't want anything to do with me, doesn't want to touch me, ect., so the question I have to ask myself is what really is it? When she really is with me it seems like she enjoys herself, but then she never seems to call after, and ask me to do something after. It's always nine yards of shit trying to spend time with her. Of course my dumb, persistant ass keep making the effort to usually no avail.
Well anyways i'm getting tired and I need to sleep cause I have to get up early, cut the grass, go to the bar, I mean dinner, and then go to work. So i'll try to finsih this later. -PEACE-