Here, Fight For This

Nov 19, 2002 23:42

Here we go ladies and gentlemen. So the fight has been removed from the dog? Maybe the dog just doesn't want to fight. Give the dog something to fight for and it will. Throw it a bone and it'll just go away. Fires need two things to burn, calories and oxygen. Both of which I consume and don't produce. I really question if you care at times. Oh yeah, I really question your faithfulness in the long haul. You were hacking my e-mail account. Do yourself a favor and present yourself in a fashion that doesn't harbor skepticism and make me feel like I could have trusted you and we wouldn't of had aproblem to begin with. (Side note: DO NOT TRUST ANYONE, ESPECIALLY FEMALES, BUT EVERYONE WILL EVENTULLY SQUEEL OR STAB YOU IN THE BACK!!!!!)

What I don't understand through this whole thing is the part where someone else besides me became the victim. In a senario where my heart was ripped out and my vunerability exposed and exploited how in the hell did anyone else become the victim? Where does it say that when you love someone with all your heart and they leave you to "explore" other options and completely shatter you emotionially and shake the very foundation that you stand on with what appears to be absolutly no remorse or regret, that other person should feel like someone doesn't care about them? Someone explain to me how in the FUCK that works. After what has happened to me this summer as far as a romantic or social life, I should never, and I mean EVER, have to listen to someone else bitch, cry, and/or complain about how they don't feel that I'M TRYING. Now I apologize if i'm a little touchy on the subject, but put yourself into my situation, really sit down and break it down and think about it, and then let me know how you'd feel. Wait, i'm not trying, FUCK YOU i'm not. Let's clear this up right now, I will have to try so much harder to love and trust again then you'd ever have to try to make sure that your the one I do love and trust. I was literally brought down to my knees and reduced to tears by you. I was hurt on a level emotionally by you that I cannot even conceive doing to someone else. (And for those of you reading this that know me, know that I have one twisted, cynical, and disturbed mind) I look back at what you did and I say to myself that I would never do that to anyone. I would have to make myself completly removed so as to I don't hurt anyone emotionally. When you can get to someone emotionally you posses a power stronger than you'll ever imagine. You bruse on the inside, where no one will ever see, and where it never fully goes away.

You want something to fight for? Here I got something for you, fight for everything you wanted in life with me, fight for the white picket fence, the tire swing, the house up in the mountains. Fight for that ultrasound picture of our 9 week old unborn, fight for everything you've said to me about love and marriage and kids. Fight for your dreams and ambitions, but most importantly fight for yourself. Fight because you want to, because it's something you believe in no matter how bad and hopeless it looks. Fight because your willing to die for it, or die trying, but don't bother fighting if the only reason you are is because there is something tangable you can hold onto and fight for. The most important fights are for those things you cannot see. For what you believe, not for what you can posess. Step back and check yourself, what reasons are you really fighting for?
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