Long Overdue

Jul 25, 2010 10:43

I've completely abandoned my dear LiveJournal audience...forgive me. There's so much I have to tell you. Come, my children. Gather around me as I stimulate your ears and enlighten your minds...

Okay so it's really not that exciting. In the words of my incredible friend Nabil: Whoooa, relaaaax! So I guess I'll begin by mentioning a "small and insignificant" detail that has occurred since I last spoke to you 10 months ago: I FINISHED MY FIRST YEAR OF MEDICAL SCHOOL! Whooohooo! I've got one year of biology, anatomy, chemistry, immunology, microbiology, physiology, and medical ethics training under my belt so don't expect me to resuscitate a random person who's going into cardiogenic shock on the street (Sorry). I can only check your vital signs, point out some cool anatomical landmarks on your body, suggest everyone take Lipitor, draw out the complement cascade, and if you're super lucky, I can draw your blood semi-correctly thanks to the 2-hour IV workshop at Columbia (given I remember to remove the tourniquet prior to withdrawing the needle...thanks Alex. Nearly bled to death there, buddy).

I had a stressful first year, to say the least. I don't know what was more of a challenge: the daunting volume of school work and medical minutia or seeing the same 100 people every waking hour of every day for nearly a year. It was my first time living away from home so I had to adapt to living with people that weren't like me. Sounds kinda silly and trivial but it was a bitch. Now I know who I like, who I don't like, how to interact with the people I don't like and how to sustain friendships with those that I do. I think that's pretty much the gist of Jade's "How To Live and Work With People" manual.

Keep in mind, I've been living in New York City for nearly a year, and that in itself has also been a challenge. What a city! I've come to the sad realization that if you really want to enjoy NYC, you gotta have money. Living off of college loans makes it hard to sustain a social life while juggling bills and groceries. I wish you could see my face when I go to the grocery store (screw you, Food Emporium!) or to Duane Reade, which is New York's version of CVS or Rite Aid. I usually leave these places with a pissed off face. How in the hell can you sell St. Ives body wash for $8 when I can get it for $2 in Tampa?! Whatevs. I shan't complain about living in such a beautiful city. I'm blessed. Just wish I had some MONEY HONEY! (© Interscope Records, Lady Gaga)

So, last but certainly not least, I wanna discuss my "love" life a little bit. Without disclosing any names, I must say I'm disappointed in myself for trusting and believing someone who didn't completely respect me. I'm always the one to chastise the woman that falls for a man's bullshit, but never did I think that woman would be me one day. Even though he put me through hell for the past three years of knowing him (mind you, we were never officially a couple, just did the whole on/off friends-with-benefits scenario, psh), I am so thankful to God. You know why? God has shown me what I don't need in my life...the trash I can do without. He has shown me this so I can appreciate when an incredible guy comes around...and I think I've found that incredible guy. Now it's a matter of me going for what I want (because I reeeeally want him!)...

Once again, sorry for the long overdue update. Life has been bitter sweet. I've grown a lot, left the World of Jade and still searching for Jade's place in the world...
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