Oct 02, 2009 21:48
Medical school is like a rollercoaster ride in an amusement park. When you're waiting in line forever, you're super anxious and excited to get on that ride. But once you're on it, you can't wait for it to end.
Ok, so perhaps I'm totally exaggerating. I'll admit: I love New York. I love medical school...I can do without the biochemistry to be honest. But otherwise, I can say that I like this new direction my life has taken. Wearing a white coat is pretty cool. I feel like a million dollars when I wear that thing with my spiffy little stethoscope hanging around my neck. Only Thursdays are white coat days, so for that one day I feel like a bad ass doctor. The other days of the week are just regular school days comprised of lectures from Ph.D professors drilling boring molecular and biological science details in our brains. Boring, indeed. Beneficial? Yeah. In the big scheme of things, everything always comes back to the basic science concepts. Like cancer, for instance. It's all about that crucial p53 tumor suppressor gene. If it's mutated, you're screwed. So I can understand why we as future docs must know the simple, basic concepts of molecular and cellular biology because it's at the cellular level these huge problems begin.
I have to say that I'm emotionally and physically drained by medical school. No one said it was going to be easy. But I'm surviving. Surviving, yet complaining. I need to stop complaining. Why should I complain? I worked so hard to get here and prayed every night for it. All throughout the summer I was eager to get here. Now I'm here! And now I feel weird...I'm happy, don't get me wrong. I'm just frustrated with 'the system' and how things are ran around here. But who am I to complain? Cornell has been doing this for YEARS and they've produced PLENTY of great docs. So perhaps I should just keep my mouth shut and my eye on the prize. Someone near and dear to me recently said something pretty astounding to me...so astounding, it shook me up a bit. "You need to leave the 'World of Jade' and start to find Jade's place in the world." And that's what I'm doing. I need to stop making it about JADE'S WORLD and find out where this world wants to take me. Where will Cornell lead me? What type of medicine will I fall in love with? And speaking of love, who will I fall in love with? Where will I meet him? When will I "settle down" and have kids amongst such a busy ten years ahead of me? What does New York have in store for Jade?
And so the journey begins...