meme snurched from kradical

May 14, 2008 01:12

The rule is you can't duplicate the answers of the person you took it from.

1. Name something a claustrophobic person should not get into:
An elevator

2. What one thing does a woman spend the most time on when getting ready to go on a date?
Hell if I know. Their hair?

3. What is a Spanish word that everyone knows the meaning of?

4. Name something in your bathroom that you leave plugged in all the time?
I don't have any appliances in my bathroom.

5. Besides golfers, what is something you see on a golf course?

6. Name a household chore you actually enjoy:
Does staring at the dust count as a chore?

7. Name something you walk out on:

8. Name a place where you see nervous people:
Doctor's office

9. Name something that can be cherry flavored.
Cough syrup

10. Complete this phrase: "I’ll never forget my first _____":

11. Name another word for "Dad":
The Old Man (not that I'd ever call him that)

12. Name another word for "Mom":

13. Name something a married couple might want to have 2 of:

14. What is the first part of a person’s body to lose the war with gravity?
Your butt. I always seem to fall on it when I do fall.

15. Name something that is sold by the bunch:

16. What age would you retire if you had enough money?

17. Name something you find on a kitchen table:
Clean laundry. Well, in my apartment, anyway.

18. Name something that rhymes with “dizzy”:

19. Tell me how many people you kissed last New Year’s Eve:

20. Name something you see in a jail cell:

21. Name a month with 31 days:

22. Name an occupation where you might work all night:
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