Thesis update.

Jun 20, 2007 17:30

Chapter 1: Lit-review - not started
Chapter 2: "how to rotate in space" - complete
Chapter 3: "how to rotate in space and not fall over" (inclined orbits for dummies) - 50% complete
Chapter 4: "rigid two-body motion in space with extension" [1] - 0% complete
Chapter 5: "space-webs" - 75% complete.

Overall I'm pleased with the progress. It could be a little faster, but I'm filling in gaps and going back over old ground which is slow. As is correcting the (seemingly thousands) of errors that crop in.
As a rule I think that 5% of everything I write contains an error, either a small typo or a massive cock-up. This is pretty destructive in a thesis, especially when I'm a perfectionist. Anyone else may not spot the error[2] but I'll know it's there. I'll see it every time I look until I fix it too.

Progress is now measured in pages: I've got 57 pages of solid publishable content at the moment, and feeling pretty good for it. Hopefully by the time that the job comes around I'll be able to get it finished in a reasonable time-scale, on top of the work commitment. I really hope that neither suffer.

Also, a week left until holidays! minor panic!

[1] Bow-chica wow-wow!
[2] I count a 2px drift in a diagram as an error. I've lain awake before on the final year-project thinking about all these little things I could correct, and once actually got up and corrected it because I couldn't sleep.
[3] I'm actually quite pleased with my diagrams now (I use WinFIG), they're getting much better but take a huge time to make. I still say a decent diagram is worth at least a full page of explanatory text.

diagram, thesis

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