For a start, the trouble I have getting clothes to fit. I'm very tall, but quite skinny so small t-shirts are good for the width but crap for length. The one I'm wearing at the moment is fine but exposes my midriff to the elements :(
There are two shops that cater for the erm bigger gent:
Big and tall menswear (men swear, surely?) and
High and mighty. I'm going to see if I can visit the later of them this week, the former is web only.
This is an excelent example of why the web is fantastic. Niche shops like this are few and far between. God bless
Aditionally, I've just seen my supervisors comment sheet on the end of my 3rd year (temporally speaking, anyway). It read simply "outstanding in every way". I'm quite chuffed. I knew Matthew and I have a good relationship, but to have this on record is reasuring. It's going to be a hard few months of writing up ahead, but this vote of confidence means the thesis will likely be less trouble than I am projecting.
There are other things I have been meaning to blog about, but haven't had the time.