My mother is in her 'hover and observe everything offspring does on computer' phase, limiting my ability to covertly write any zombie apocalypse goodness. In order to negate the lingering sense of absolute boredom, I will meme for a while.
1. Go to the Wikipedia home page
2. Click "Random article."-This is your band name.
3. Click "Random article" again.-This is your album's name.
4. Do this fifteen more times-These are tracks 1-15 on your album.
Band Name: Poseidon Class Supercarrier (How pretentious.)
Album Name: Foreign Policy Association (Equally pretentious. I sound like an Emo band D:)
1. Adelaide River (Hmm. This sounds like a twangy, country kind of song. Something about love and cars. And Kangaroos!)
2. Paul Bernard (Hmm. This will be a song about... love. And cars.)
3. Lassa fever (Ohh. This will be a spicy, Latin number! Salsa, everybody Salsa!)
4. Borden, West Sussex (This will be a nostalgic song, about my hometown of Borden, West Sussex.)
5. John T. Wilder (A song about love! And cars! How original.)
6. Briar's Book (Ohh. This will be a mystical, gypsy-like song about mushrooms and gnomes.)
7. Kildangan (Hmm. This will be an Irish inspired song, filled with fiddles, beer, love and cars!)
8. Monsterthursday (Ew, an emo song. Kill it.)
9. Tamaki Strait (A song with an African beat, about a boy and girl who are in love in a car.)
10. Federal Civil Defense Administration (A song charged with political commentary. Unfortunately, it is done emo-style, so nobody will pay attention to it. Sad.)
11. Flock of Dodos (A song about drugs! 50 Cent is featured.)
12. Kugemura Station (Another twangy country song. This time it is about love... and trains!)
13. The Damned (A song about commercialism and the military industrial complex. Done emo-style, so it, too, will be ignored)
14. Blue Harvest (A song about love under the Blue Moon. In a car. Sexy!)
15. Gluteal nerve (A secret song on the end of the album, written while high on mushrooms.)
Rules: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I can get big, ridiculous crushes on people based on their hands. Like my Grade 10 English teacher, who had the nicest hands I've ever seen. I crushed on him for years. I.. erm, that's enough of that. (P.S. I think Grunny has really nice hands, too. ;3)
2. One of my favourite movie characters of all time is Timone from The Lion King. Snark king!
3. I had a chicken pock on my eyeball! Like, on the ball of my eye. It was itchy, but I couldn't scratch it, unless I wanted to go blind.
4. I'm actually a lot deeper than people think I am. I like to ponder about life, the Universe, all that pretentious jazz.
5. I love it when people are politically incorrect. I think political correctness is silly.
6. I actually had a very, very sexy dream involving Matt Parkman and Mohinder Suresh the other night. I woke up all hot and bothered.
7. I need constant reassurance of my abilities or I will doubt them and leave them behind. This happened with photography, which is a shame, because I loved photography.
8. I go through phases. Something comes along (such as Pokemon when I was a kid) and it CONSUMES MY LIFE until I get bored of it and move on.
9. I find family men incredibly sexy. It's like, as soon as they have a ring on and a kid running around them I want to do them. Strangely, I don't find family women sexy just because they are family women. I wonder why that is.
10. I get crushes on anything with red hair. You know that English teacher with perfect hands that I mentioned before? HE HAD RED HAIR TOO. AND he was married with a newborn. Which means I still kind of have a crush on him. *SHAME*
- Google Image Search your answer
- pick one image from the first page
- and post
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
2. A place you'd like to travel to.
3. Your favorite place.
4. Your favorite object.
5. Your favorite food
6. Your favorite animal
7. Your favorite color
My favourite colour is not white.
8. The town in which you were born.
9. The town in which you live.
10.The name of a past pet.
11. The first name of a past love .
I've never been in love, so I put in the name of that English teacher I can't get out of my head now.
12. Seems to be missing. Waahh!
13. Your nickname/screen name.
14. Your first name
15. Your middle name
16. Your last name.
17. A bad habit of yours
Aww, pitiful me.
18. Your first job
I'm not naked, though.
19. Your grandmother’s name
20. Your major in college