How do you deal?

Apr 07, 2005 15:39

Im sure everyone has felt empty before.

That feeling that something is missing, something more should be there. Everyone has. They may not have known what they were feeling exactly, and it may have passed easily and quickly for the lucky ones. But some of us, it doesnt pass so easily or quickly. Now imagine feeling that you are SO close to filling that hole. Close to finding the final peice. Close to completion. And then realizing that no matter how hard you try, how hard you reach, how fast you run, it may always be just outside your reach. Could you be content with the journey? I know as well as anyone that the destination, is just the starting point for the next journey, but it feels good to actually reach those destination points on occasion. I am far from giving up, but these defeatist thoughts still permeate me constantly. Only thru soundness of mind, and an unmatchable stubborness am I able to forge on continuously.

When do you know its time to give up and move on to the next task tho? I know I havent reached that point as of yet, but im wondering what some thoughts are of others as to when you reach that point. How do you know when the work, effort, blood, sweat, and tears put towards a task combined with the end result no longer outweigh the work still remaining to reach that result. read that again if you need to. i had to. heh. but seriously i want to know how some of you unfortunate souls that read my drivel find that point.
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