Big Finish Does Phantom of the Opera

Nov 11, 2007 14:36

So Episode 60 of the DWO WhoCast has an interview with Big Finish's Barnaby Edwards. They mostly talk about Absolution, which Edwards directed, but towards the end of the interview they talk a bit about a new project that Edwards has been working on for Big Finish: an audio adaptation of The Phantom of the Opera.

It sounds like a pretty neat project: Edwards wrote the adaptation from the novel. He was very proud that they actually got a pair of opera singers as part of the cast, and they'll be staging all the opera bits from the novel with full orchestra. (I haven't even read the novel, but this sounds really cool. What could be more perfect for audio than a novel about opera?)

If I recall correctly, it will be broadcast on BBC 7 sometime in the next several months, and then will be released on CD sometime later. (It sounded like it would be at least one double-CD release, though I can't remember any specific statement about how long the adaptation is.) I think Edwards implied that if the project is a success, Big Finish might try their hand at other adaptations of classic novels to audio.

It sounds like a neat idea to me, and an interesting way for Big Finish to branch out while still doing something that plays to their strengths. I'll definitely have a listen when the story is broadcast on BBC 7, and probably buy the CD(s) if it's any good. (I also think it's cool to see Big Finish working with BBC 7 again, since it undoubtedly gets BF a little extra exposure.)

What do you all think? Are there other classic novels you'd like to hear Big Finish adapt to audio?

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