Oct 13, 2009 15:18
I stopped by work but it looks like I can't get Halloween weekend off for Youmacon, the anime convention in Detroit. I suspected as much.
This is why it sucks to work in the restaurant industry where the busiest days are Friday, Saturday, and sometimes Thursday and Sunday, because for some damn reason those are the times all the mindless zombies of America decide to go out and eat, 2-hour-long wait time be damned. Do Americans ever think "Hmm, maybe if I go eat on a Tuesday instead..." but no. We'll eat Friday or Saturday night because it's when EVERYONE ELSE eats out, and we can't fucking think for ourselves. We're Americans, we need the media and our religious leaders to do all the thinking for us.
So of course Friday and Saturday are usually Mandatory work days, hard to get off unless I suck some proverbial cock to get them off.
It looks like I wouldn't be able to get to it anyway unless I bought a rental car anyway.
My bigger question is why the fuck did the con staff decide on Halloween weekend to have a fucking con? Maybe they have a legit reason, like that was the only open slot at the hotel, but it seems like a bunch of bullshit. It would be nice to have a legitimate answer to that question, not "we thought it would be a good weekend to have a convention."