Well, before I get into my rant of the day, I have 2 new things to share to all of you.
First thing is this:
"Look ma, the religious fanatics are breeding!" At first glance, it appears to be an anti-furry website. But from what I have heard, it's actually a joke. A tasteless joke though. There's enough real religious idiots out there that hate furries (including Lowtax from
Something Awful, who hates furries but not for religious reasons), so we don't need a fake website just adding to the crap.
Second thing of the day. I actually got to meet Fred Ghallager in person. In the anime store at downtown (the one I'm trying to apply to), he was doing autograph signings of his Megatokyo comic book he just released. The line for autographs streched around the block and was about a 3 hour long wait. Luckily I'm not a big Megatokyo fan. I was just there to scope it out and hang out with a friend who was getting their book signed. At least I now have bragging rights that I got to meet Fred. :D