San Francisco life

Mar 11, 2013 20:43

As far as I can tell, I really don't have any close friends. This is kind of saddening to me since I feel like I could have a lot of friends, and it almost seems like an effort put foreward that I dont.
I had no idea who to talk to besides my boyfriend when my dad died. Its strange. I guess I don't contact people as much as I should.

But one thing that does boggle my mind is on facebook, I see tons and tons of high school friends still together, and I feel so reclused.
I guess I'm sad about it, but I'm more stunned than anything. I need to really figure out what I did wrong. I can't seem to make friends without some institution around me, and even then, school is so selective. People have their old friends they hang out with.
I guess I just work and go to school. I used to make things...

Maybe I should start a blog with things I make and sell them?
I've never been into the hassle of packing and shipping, but maybe I can have make/bake parties.

My hobbies seem to be one sided, or my opinions too strong. Ironically I don't consider myself that smart, so I find that I need to actually research stuff before I hang out with people so I have something to talk about.

I'm turning into one of those people who just watches random stuff on her days off until the sun goes down. I need to go out exploring... Or call people like I used to I guess. Being an adult is getting to be depressing...

dad, lonely, meh

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