Final Vote Ceremony

Oct 25, 2009 10:54

Once this post appears in the community, those voting have roughly 36 hours or less to turn in their vote. The eight current jurors and the current houseguests will be voting on the different scenarios. As for the current houseguests, obviously they will not be voting in a scenario that pertains to them being eligible for the win.

Final Vote Ceremony:
- Possible Scenarios: Brian/Chris, Brian/Daniel, Chris/Daniel
- Current Houseguests Voting: Brian, Chris, Daniel
- Jury: Andrea, Casey, Cynthia, Donna, (J)eah, (Ka)ndrew, Krysta, Tina

Votes must be sent to -- along with the name of the person you wish to cast your vote(s) to win, you should also include a reason. It is also asked that you vote on each of the three different scenarios, unless you're a current houseguest. Once you cast your vote(s) to win, your decision is final and it may not be changed. Remember, you're voting to win, not to evict.

Tuesday, October 27th @ NOON PDT / 3:00PM EDT
Don't forget your diaries, houseguests.

finale week, bblj10, final vote, week 13

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