Worlds: Men's Long Program

Apr 28, 2011 09:52


I'm so proud! You did it, bb! Hitting refresh like a madwoman on YouTube so I can see it. (Will update my post with it when it comes up for the three of you who care!) He landed both his quads, and I can see on his score line that there were no deductions, so no falls. I'm sure that won't silence the haters, but clearly they can suuuuuuck it. :D :D :D


So happy for Takahiko Kozuka! His LP is a thing of beauty. Takahashi and Oda both crumbled. :/

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OMG PATRICK I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! One little turnout on the triple Axel, but other than that it was fantastic! He has the whole package. His choreo and footwork is SO intricate and difficult. And he's only 20 years old. :D

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So pleased for Kozuka! He's a gorgeous skater, and I adore this program. So unfortunate for Takahashi that he had a skate problem and had to stop his performance to get it fixed. So hard to come back from that.

figure skating

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