Texas Forever

Feb 15, 2011 23:28

It's so, so hard to stick the landing and create a truly satisfying series finale, but I watched the FNL finale tonight, and I think they succeeded marvellously. I laughed, I cried, I cheered. Bravo, show. Bravo. I'm going to miss you, Dillon.

Finale picspam )

fangirl alert!, fnl

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Comments 12

deeablo February 16 2011, 04:39:43 UTC
YAY! Also, here is a link to the endings that weren't.

xo, Boobs!


bigboobedcanuck February 16 2011, 04:48:33 UTC
Awwww, Scott Porter is just so awesome. Thanks for the link, Evil One!



_alicesprings February 16 2011, 04:40:27 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww man, you'll make me cry! Although the series of pics of everyone looking up makes me laugh. :D

I agree with your assessment! It was a very satisfying finale. I was so glad to see Landry back, albeit briefly, and I loved Mindy and Billy this season too.

Grandma! One of the greatest tertiary characters ever, Y/Y?

Hellz yeah! I cried when she was looking at the ring on Julie's finger and they both said ILY.

I'm annoyed about the storylines they never followed up on too, and that ridic break between seasons 2 and 3 when the writer's strike just threw the whole thing to hell, but like you say, this show is totes better than about 98% of the other crap on TV. I will miss it.


bigboobedcanuck February 16 2011, 04:49:42 UTC
As usually, we are totally on the same page. :)

OH, SHOW. At least this one went out on such a wonderful note, and I can look back with love and affection.


_alicesprings February 16 2011, 04:55:50 UTC
There's something so wonderful about a satisfying series finale - Six Feet Under - and something so awful about a non-satisfying finale - Veronica Mars - that just sours the whole show for me. I'm glad I'll be able to look back fondly on this one!


bigboobedcanuck February 16 2011, 04:58:01 UTC
Yep, totally agreed. VM S1 is still one of my very favourite seasons of TV ever, but the disappointment of S3 is still, well, disappointing.

But FNL is all good. So satisfying.


oatmeal_cookie February 16 2011, 14:21:05 UTC
Clear eyes, full hearts. (We'll work on the rest.)

I was nodding and grinning (albeit a little sadly) through this whole post, but then I got to that part and now I'm legit crying, just a little bit. Sigh, this show. It truly was a brilliant finale, an excellent way to cap off five seasons of what television is supposed to be.


bigboobedcanuck February 16 2011, 15:04:13 UTC

I was crying off and on through the last two eps (OMG, when Vince hugged Coach in 512! Meep!), and it took me, like, three hours to watch them both because I kept pausing and rewinding because I wanted to soak it in. And I didn't want it to be over. Oh, show. Totally in my top five TV shows of all time. So brilliant and underappreciated by the world at large. It's so hard to even get people to give it a try! I lent the DVDs to a friend at work, and he and his gf loved it, and I was so glad they just gave it a chance. A lot of people won't.

It's funny that there's a super team now, since I said (in Nov 09): "What I hope is that in S5, the schools and teams will be amalgamated somehow once more and we can root for the Panthers again." So while I think five years is the perfect amount for a TV show, and I'm so pleased with this ending, part of me is sad that we won't get to see the super team. You know there would be great drama in marrying the two teams together. But yeah, I'm glad it's the Panthers again. Dude, the "J Street ( ... )


vanessagalore February 16 2011, 14:30:07 UTC
That's a perfect picture for Julie since she was such a dip throughout the whole show.

I thought the finale was beautifully shot. It's a little weird to see Adrienne Palicki as a brunette, but she looked really beautiful.

I kind of lost a little bit of my suspension of disbelief in this show when they retconned Riggins and Tyra into sophomores so they could keep them on the show, and then when they kept Matt around, and then Julie this year...it just really reminded me constantly that this was a TV show, with a necessity of servicing actors' contracts. I think I wouldn't have minded having new football players every year as people graduated-you'd have a completely new cast of teens through turnover every two years, and maybe that would even have led to fresh story lines. It's the problem every teen show faces, and most don't do it well. Still, FNL is a million times better than most shows.


bigboobedcanuck February 16 2011, 14:52:20 UTC
Yeah, I'm of two minds about Julie. She has her moments of awesomeness, but I've wanted to shake her many times and tell her to grow up already. But I feel like she's finally doing that, and if she makes Matt happy, then I want them together. Because I want Matt Saracen to be happy. How I love that boy.

I dunno, I thought they did a great job of keeping characters around as long as they could but still being realistic. I forgave the early age-fudging, because I loved those characters and wanted another year of them. And I loved that Matt did end up leaving because he realized he couldn't stay in Dillon. And Julie did go to college. And there were a lot of new characters. Vince, Luke, Jess, Becky, etc., with more than half the original cast leaving. Personally I thought they struck a good balance.

Have you ever watched Skins? (UK version.) I remember the huge outcry when they announced they were turning over the cast after the first two seasons because the characters were graduating. When I watched, I already knew that, so I went in ( ... )


snapegirlusa February 16 2011, 15:37:48 UTC
Awwww. I never watched FNL, but I always knew that I'd love it. I've been a huge fan of Kyle Chandler since he first starred on "Homefront" in the 90s (one of my favorite shows of all time!) and then "Early Edition" (he was just so darn cute with that cat!).

You did a great job here showing the emotion of the episode even to someone who doesn't watch. :)


bigboobedcanuck February 16 2011, 23:58:04 UTC
I can't recommend it highly enough! And thanks, glad you enjoyed the picspam. :)


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