A few TV thoughts

Jun 20, 2010 14:28

1. *cringecringecringe* when Cat Deeley asked single Kent who his ideal woman was. Uh, one with a penis, Cat.

2. Ryan Murphy provides such moments of joy with Glee, and such moments of frustration. The lack of consistent characterization and at times epically lazy writing (see: St. James, Jesse -- mustache twirling) holds this show back from being all it can be. And if anyone has proven he can drive a show into the ground with stupidity, it's Ryan Murphy. (See: every show he has ever made.)

I didn't feel like either of the I love yous were earned, but at least with Will's, it felt believable. When Finn said it to Rachel, my response was: Huh? What? You do? Cory's delivery was super sweet, but it was so out of left field for me. Emma and Will at least had a lot of courtship (some while he was married, granted).

Didn't like that Shelby got Quinn's baby. Possibly because I wanted to slap her in the face when she was telling Rachel that Shelby missed her chance with her. HELLO, RACHEL IS STANDING RIGHT THERE, ASKING YOU TO BE PART OF HER LIFE. JUST BECAUSE SHE'S NOT AN INFANT DOESN'T MEAN YOU STILL CAN'T BE HER MOTHER. Also, Shelby didn't really seem to give a shit that Jesse going back to Vocal Adrenaline left Rachel broken-hearted. Bah.

Speaking of which, I really hate that Jesse and Rachel didn't even have a scene together. It was just so lazy to make Jesse evil all along -- even though Groff showed that Jesse did care about Rachel -- and then just have him win and that's the last we see of him. Again, I say bah.

Next season, I want to see more Santana, Brittany, Mike and Black Kid (whose name I seriously don't know.) Also, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP HAVING SANTANA AND BRITTANY WEAR THEIR CHEERIOS OUTFITS EVERY DAY. I find that inexplicably annoying.

Overall I enjoyed the finale and I got all teary during "To Sir, With Love," which was so pretty. Also enjoyed that Sue voted for New Directions. Oh, speaking of lazy writing, Olivia Newton-John was super nice when she was on the show three weeks ago, and now she's suddenly an egotistical bitch. Whatever, Ryan Murphy. Whatever.

3. True Blood is off to a good start. I'm hoping Bill never gets rescued. Bill = Duncan Kane. Eric = Logan Echolls. Enough said.

true blood, sytycd, glee

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