(no subject)

Jul 22, 2008 10:30

My X-Files rewatch is not going to be done by this weekend (unless I skip work for the rest of the week, and don't think I'm not tempted), so I'm going to have to watch strategically. I'm in early S4 right now, but I want to watch the key relationship/romance episodes in seasons 7, 8 and 9 so that I'll be up to speed for the movie. I know "Millenium" in S7, but which other episodes from those last three seasons should I watch? I never watched them the first time around, so I have no idea. The series finale, obviously, but other than that, I don't know. Help?

Also, I saw the TV commercial for the movie last night for the first time. It hurt my feelings when Scully said, "I'm no longer working with Fox Mulder." But I have faith (I want to believe!) that the movie will have a satisfying ending. I really hope so, because I'm getting Too Invested™ again.


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