May 31, 2010 19:53
Things have been good. Joey's birthday party and memorial bbq were good. Laura and I are taking him to toledo zoo on his actual birthday (Wednesday.) Hopefully he likes that. It will be nice to go out as a family regardless.
It's weird seeing my little cousins not being little anymore. They range in ages from 12-17. It's like they're actually people now. Except my little cousin nunu, he's still a douchebag.
I'm sure i'll have picture spam from memorial day and the zoo. They'll probably be uploaded onto facebook but i'll post a few here. If we're not friends on there feel free to look me up. Romeo Janavikas.
I pulled my reserve on Starcraft. Mostly it was for extra birthday money for Joey but it also plays a part in things i dislike. To summarize here's a comment on left on someones status:
"I actually pulled my reserve the other day. I have quite a few qualms with it. As Jerry mentioned the DRM is fucking terrible, i'm sure i'll still be able to get a pirated copy within a week of release. I'm super pissed about all 3 games being 60$ each. They should charge the normal 20-40$ for an expansion and not a full game price. And yeah, no LAN plus the fact that 2.0 is terrible and non functional really gives me the idea that i don't want to buy this game. I'd rather take joey to toledo zoo."
I don't want to feel obligated to buy a video game because i own the others. But after taking a step back and being objective about it i found that i'm pretty displeased over all. It needs a total reworking. I mean it does feel balanced but it feels like it was balanced around a broken foundation. The custom games are still great, and i'm looking forward to the campaign, and i actually DO enjoy the matchmaking system.'s lack of a chat system, the fact you have to give your email address out to friend people, and having to buy an additional game if you want to play on a different regions server seems like they are taking several steps backward. Later incarnations of a game should have MORE functionality, not less.
They beta is ending temporarily and they are supposedly making big changes to the game. Then a 2nd beta will take place a few weeks before release. I'll speak more about my thoughts when that comes around. But as of right now i have no intentions of picking up Sc2 at launch. And it is disappointing.
Joey is fucking awesome. He loves his new pool btw.