Tutorial: Resizing Animated Gifs

Apr 11, 2010 17:17


You come across an animated gif that you would love to use as an icon, or in the sidebar on your LiveJournal. But the gif is 300x169, much too big for either of those. (Unless you have a really wide sidebar.) You're going to have to resize the gif. Easy, right?

Well, resizing an animated gif isn't as easy as resizing a static image. Use the wrong graphics editor, and your gif won't be animated anymore. Which would sort of defeat the whole purpose of what you're trying to do.

Luckily, there are two quick and easy ways to resize an animated gif. One uses Animation Shop. The other uses one of the completely free software programs I found during one of my freeware binges. (It's a harmless addiction.) And this program requires no installation. Bonus!

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