Goths. There are just to many of these hideous zombie look alikes,
who's poster child just happens to be a sick asshole, who has
homoerotic fantasies of doing other guys....if you havent guessed it by
now allow me to say it,Marylin Manson. I was driving around with my
friends the other night and being the unproductive assholes that we
are. We were enjoying two hours of yelling at innocent pedestrians
going on about their day, when upon our arrival at Star Theater I was
overwhelemed by a sense of suicide and that nasty musk cologone that
goths bathe themselfes with in order to make them extra repulsive and
rejected by society (as if looking like Nicole Lundie wasnt
enought...GOOD JOB DOUCHE BOXES). I looked around with a big cynical
smile on my face trying to spot my next Goth victim when all of the
sudden there was not ONE but FOUR gothic kids moving in a pack like
blood thirsty vampires. I immediatly rolled down my window turned down
the Trance that was blaring in the car and informed the goth kids that
they looked like fags. But, once wasnt enough for such an adrenaline
craving asshole like myself so I told Jeff to loop around so we could
re-yell at them. We did this about 4 times and not one of the gothic
kids did anything about anything, thats when I took the liberty to hit
one of them with a CD because I felt it was my duty as a member of
human race to further point out that these douche bags arent accepeted
by society.
After this whole ordeal was done it had occured to me that we had a
previous encounter with gothic kids who I think were 8th graders before
venturing out to Star's. Jeff and I were driving whe some Silvester
Stalone daredevil asshole goth decided it was funny to ride is bike
towards incoming trafic down on Masonic. I of course took the liberty
to give him the finger and swirve at him because I have such a hate
against goths. I was overwhelmed with roid rage and decided to smack
the fuck out of one of them but they rode off somewhere so that was
What I'm trying to say here people is that gothics are douche bags and
should all die.....
Just to further the sterotype that goths are fags I have taken the
liberty to use one of Madoxe's pictures portraying gothic kids as the
fags they are.