What do you want to do?
An easy question to ask, but really a rather insulting question at the same time to someone looking for a job. I haven’t been able to find anything since January but I still get asked this. Apparently, it’s rude to reply with anything but some deep-rooted magical answer like “making widgets that bring people together” when all you really want right now is to keep your lights on and gas ($4 a gallon? WTF?) in the car. Personally, I think it’s rude to ask someone that can’t find a job what they want to do-maybe it’s better to ask what they won’t do.
So what do I want? Maybe something that gets me lots of money, freedom to pick up Gwen from school, doesn’t believe that THEY come before family 24/7, and maybe a few minions. I don’t want minimum wage where I have NO rights (been there, done that).
But what exactly to DO? Who knows. I’ve already done so much and had doors slammed shut on me. Plus I always here about someone who got where they got to because someone “gave them a chance”. Well, guess what no one has ever given me?
Well, at the danger of making this too depressing, I’ll go back to figure out why crossposting isn’t working right.
Originally published at
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