SPN fic: Dazzleland 10/10

Mar 22, 2007 14:10

Chapter 10/Over, Over, Over

Destination: Niagara Falls, of course. Gen, PG-13. Complete. Horror/drama. A smidgen of angst. A big freakin’ smidgen of angst.

Travel Advisory: High body count. Blood. General wretchedness. Unforgivably wordy.

Cabin Crew: I never leave home without them -- jmm0001and Lemmypie. They make sure I have the right ( Read more... )

supernatural, fanfic, dazzleland

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Comments 212

ishafel March 22 2007, 22:22:51 UTC
This is lovely and brutal both. Your writing is gorgeous and your characterization is flawless and you handle the details so well I feel like I watched this instead of read it. Thanks for posting it!


big_pink March 23 2007, 19:32:21 UTC
"...watched this instead of read it."

You know, when I'm writing things, I'm usually imagining them as 'scenes'. They play in my head. It's only in the editing that I pay attention to the words, to how the words sound together. So I'm really quite pleased that you feel like you watched it, because that's what's going on in my noggin. Cheers.


astrothsknot March 22 2007, 22:48:47 UTC
Hot damn, you just get better


big_pink March 23 2007, 19:32:58 UTC
That's what A2's been telling me for years. ;)


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big_pink March 23 2007, 19:34:01 UTC
I know. Sometimes it's better to be succinct. Obviously, I've yet to internalize that particular lesson.


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big_pink March 23 2007, 19:35:00 UTC
Far, far too much brokeness. I'd fix them, but then no one would play with them anymore. Thanks.


10/10 ewanmax March 22 2007, 23:48:29 UTC
I've checked every morning with my first cup of coffee and then moved on, knowing you'd said you would be busy, but trying anyway. So, when I came home today and checked and saw 10 posted, I just sort of sat, knowing it was there (yes!!!!), but knowing it was the last chapter (shit) and just wanting to savor the have it, haven't read it yet moment, before I calculated the time I would need to suck it down before I had to leave and then ( ... )


Re: 10/10 big_pink March 23 2007, 19:40:11 UTC
OMFG. That kitten in your icon is so GREAT. Dear god.

You've shown great restraint, drinking coffee slowly, knowing it was there. I myself? No restraint whatsoever. That's why I can't just write the whole thing and THEN post it. I get too antsy (just ask the betas, they'll tell you)

It's interesting that people have such different readings of what John's about and how he acts with his boys and they to him and each other. It goes to show that we take our own meanings from things, which I think is very healthy. I'm angry with John, too, but I also am getting closer to understanding him, I hope. Not that fanfic ought to be a therapeutic exercise -- bit of an imposition on the reader, in my opinion -- but I think I start to gain more understanding of human nature as I go. It's therefore my great pleasure to be doing it -- I'm just stunned that other people want to read it.

Cheers, Liz


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