Weekly Update--Haven't done one in forever

Oct 12, 2008 00:25

1. How far along are you?

35 weeks 6 days

2. What symptoms are you experiencing?
Beyond the usual third trimester crap (sore hips, sore pelvis, sore back, BH contractions, exhaustion, peeing ALL THE TIME, sleeping poorly, etc) I have the joys of pregnancy induced diabetes--NOT GD--I'm insulin resistant when I'm not pregnant, pregnancy reclassifies me as Type 2 (my mealtime insulin has gone from 10 units per meal at 12 weeks to 40 units per meal now...I expect it to jump at least once more before I give birth and I have to take my bs like 10 times a day right now...needles needles needles...not terrible, but annoying) and I'm still on Zofran for nauseau, but at least I'm not puking.

3. How are you feeling?

READY TO BE DONE...90% of the health issues resolve with her birth (I get to go off insulin, only take my bs a few times a day to make sure we have the right treatment plan in place and my back problems are related to a history of low back pain...carrying a baby just aggravates it more than usual) so I want it over with.

I'm also feeling really good psychologically about some stuff--this pregnancy is following a miscarriage last fall, so I've been ridiculously anxious (to the point of re-entering therapy) about her. I spent the first 12 weeks holding my breath for the chance of miscarriage to drop (which was really hard as I had 3 major incidents of bleeding--her placenta had trouble implanting, causing blood to pool in my uterus, and every time I had an orgasm or vigorous anything some would come out). I spent weeks 13-24 obsessively counting down the days until she reached technical viability. I spent weeks 24-now reading up on the odds of her survival each week, what possible problems would occur, etc. Reaching 36 allows me to let out a HUGE breath I've been holding because if she's born anytime after Monday, she won't be just fine, she won't even need to go to the NICU (if she were born today, there would be a mandatory 24 hour stay in the NICU for observation).

PPD is a major fear, and a very real one for me. My therapist, OB and a psychiatrist are all on this and I feel relieved to know that there are options and that none of the things I'm terrified of will happen because I'll have the right support.

4. Any appointments coming up?

Had an appointment last Friday with the OB. We did my Group B Strep test, and talked about due dates. We had previously agreed that I would be induced on my due date if I hadn't gone into labor naturally by then, but I basically begged to find out if earlier was on the table. She agreed to move it up by 8 days (we would've done 39 weeks exactly, but she's not on call that day, and I'd prefer to have her than a different doctor in the practice so we're going 38 and 7) so assuming the baby doesn't come on her own before then, I'll be giving birth on Nov 2.

This has a cool side benefit, which my husband pointed out to me yesterday--it means she'll be able to vote the year she turns 18, as the election that year is on 11/3--we didn't pick the date based on that, but it's kind of cool. Ironically, it also means that if she comes on 11/2, her 6 month birthday will be the same day as my due date with my first child--I'm not quite sure how I feel about that--a lot of mixed emotions.

Starting this week I go to weekly doctor visits on Fridays (although I switch off between my OB and her Nurse Practioner).

Also starting this week I increase my weekly ATU (antenatal testing unit) appointments from once a week to twice a week. Basically I get hooked up to the fetal monitor and they watch her heartrate and movement for 20 minutes (and keep an eye on whether I have any contractions)--this is incredibly BORING. Then they do a biophysical profile, which is done via ultrasound. This part is pretty cool, as I'm always happy to get a look at her--they check for a bunch of stuff including to check for practice breathing, evidence that she's swallowing fluid (looking at her kidneys) and other details. This is one of the things that is also wearing me down about being pregnant--I've had these weekly visits for about a month now.

Additionally I have my usual every other week meeting with the diabetes team.

As you can tell, I'm at the hospital ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Can you blame me for wanting to get her out sooner?

5. Anything big happening in your personal life?

We picked out our crib today, but I'll wait to buy it until next weekend when my 20% coupon for BRU kicks in.

2009 is shaping up to have a lot of cool travel, and most of which we'll be able to bring the baby (with the exception of 2 romantic weekends--one is our anniversary, the other is a special weekend).

6. Questions, comments, complaints, observations?

I'm so fucking done. I want her out (preferably on schedule though--I know for certain that my OB will be there, and I know how much time I have left to get the last of my to-do list done)

7. Show us Belly pictures!

This one is two weeks old, but about the same as it looks right now

weekly update

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