update & questions

Oct 11, 2008 21:37

1. How far along are you?
23 weeks.

2. What symptoms are you experiencing?
I am mostly nausea free as long as I eat every 2 hours.... this means some more freedom (which I'll get to later). My boobs were hurting a lot more at night due to the hugeness but the SNOOGLE SAVED MY LIFE!
I now have Gestational Diabetes, so ... that's not a symptom, just a statement.
Also little Penelope has been kicking a lot more!

3. How are you feeling?
Overall I am sleeping good and eating well and happy. But I have questions (see below)

4. Any appointments coming up?
Next week I see my psychiatrist. The following week is our Level II ultrasound (to get a better peek at sleeping beauty's heart and facial features) -- she was tucked up on her belly the whole time for the anatomy scan. And also that following week I'll have my follow up to check my blood-sugar tracking and see if they want to put me on insulin.

5. Anything big happening in your personal life?
Yes! October 1st was my 3-year anniversary to the most wonderful man on the whole Entire planet. The following weekend I drove him to DC so he could attend SPX (Small Press Expo) -- an independent comics convention. He works in a cancer-clinic during the day and writes about comics & sports at night (between taking care of me & the baby, too!)
Then last week I got laid off from my morning job due to economic reasons. Grrr. I've only been there sincer June so no Unemployment benefits for me. Just grimace and bear it.
Also, I'm going to have to get my wedding ring cut off -- and I was watching silly wedding shows on the Style network tonight and started weeping about losing my ring :(

6. Questions, comments, complaints, observations?
I *was* going to ask if anyone else just felt the baby in one general "area" around this time. But now she's moved on... she still "leans" a little more to the left but she's in the middle & towards the back now with the punches.
Does anyone else have any experience with a big pain/hard spot on their chest (south of the right breast)? I had this once a few years ago (just the pain, no hard spot) and the doctor thought it could be gall bladder so he did U/S and found nothing... put me on prilosec and that along with reduced-fat diet took care of it. But now I'm a little concerned bcs of the taught-hardness. Or is it just a place where you have had ligament pain? Sometimes it is so bad it makes me double over & cry.

7. Show us Belly pictures!
Sure! Here's one belly and one anniversary photo!

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