Aug 22, 2006 16:41
I am ...well I esspect you culd say that I'm flaberggassted. Im a bit ovvercomme.
I was werkin on the forrge this arfternune, an it was lookin prettey gude al all. It juste nedes the chinmey bildin, an we shud gett that sorrted owt on Wenssday, Me an Charley Weesley.
Aneyhows, ther I was, werkin on the forgge, an I had a vissitor.
Too vissitors in fakt.
It was prefesser Lupin ande wun of the owld stuwdentes. Slytherine I thinke he uwsed ter be, an I carnt fer the liyfe o me reemembber his nayme. Darke haird forrin lad. He nevver yewsed ter say muche in clarss, an its jusste as well reeeley as I downt speke forrin. He droppede the Care of Magjical Creeturs arfter his OWLs anyhow.
Anywayse, they brougte me a new wande.
Well, I dint nowe wat ter say. It semes that the forrin lad got it from Ittalie, or somware. I havvent had a propper wand for niye on fiftey yers, an I was verey tuched that Remmus wud thinke to get me a new won.
Of corse I had ter trie it owt.
Blimey. Its a bit powerrfulle an all. Migt tayke me a bit o gettin yewsd to. Its a bit offe centere wen yer carstes with it, an it hass a kicke liyke a hyppogriffe.
Nocked me rigt off me fete it did. Yer culd say it was a bit of an explowshun. Bluw sparkes an golde starres.
I wassnt espectin that, and I downte thinke Old Remuss was niyther. I dint meene ter lande on im qwite so hevvily.
The forrin ladd got owt of the waye pretty qwike I musst say.
Aneyhowse, no harme dun an they was all verry gude abowte it an all. We dinte reeley nede anutther appul tree, arfter all. Thers plenntey in the orrchads, an the woode will comme in very handey over the wintur.
I juste got ter lerne how ter controwl myselfe. Feeles liyke I was backe in scool.
Like the tiyme wen old Sirius lente me that mowtorbiycikle contrapshun of his. That tooke a bit o gettin uwsed ter an all. It were a bit raycey.
So.. I arsk yer all ter bare withe me fer a wile. It migt tayke me a bit of tiyme ter adjuste. Downte yer go startlin me or maykin any sudden mooves. I migt be a bit daynjerows.
Juste so's yer knowe.
I downt knowe wat ter say. I got mesself a new wande!
An its brilliyant!