Locked ter the Sayfehowses and Allyes.

Aug 12, 2006 19:46

Locked ter the Sayfehowses and Allyes.

Rigt olde messe I mayde of thinges dint I? I'm a bit embarrrarsed an all. But I downt nevere make a mess that I cart trye ter cleere up. SO.

Firste off I'd liyke ter apologiyse ter Miss Luvegoode fer all thowse terribble thinges that peeppul have bene sayin ever sinse I sayd wat I did. I dint meen it ter seme like it dide an I am shure that ther aint no imp propryety gowin onn neyther. So all thowse that sayd thinges that theye shud ave nowne beter than ter say, had bettere apologiyse an all.
I downte now as I can rigtley mayk this up ter yer, Miss Luvegoode. I mayde sum cackes the utter day, so if yer wants ter comme an vissit eney tiyme I'll putt the cettle on.

Prefesser Lupin and Prefesser Snaype, It were nun of my bisznes wat I saw an I am reely sory that I got yer bowth inter trubble with the hedmistress an evrythin. I shuddnt have sed wat I did. Nexte tiyme this wil teeche me ter keep my big mowthe shutt. I howpe that yer nowse is beter soone Prefesser Snape, and that Prefesser Lupin din't hurt his hande too baddley.

Miss Bownes, there aint nutthin ter wurrey abowt withe the Slumpey Belley yet. I will let yer noww if it changess.

Rigt. I'm off owt. Yer all nowes were ter fiynde me if yer nedes me.
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