"It's not his fault he is an unstoppable killing machine."

May 18, 2005 08:49

Sup nigs..

I just got to get through one more long ass day of non-stop workin and then I get 3 days off.. Well 3 days off from Starbucks.. School doesn't really bother me so I don't care bout that.. Anyway fuckin Target keeps callin me tryin to set up an interview with me.. First off I didn't want to work at that fuckin place anyway.. I only applied cuz I was gettin desperate.. Secondly I applied there 3 months ago and if you wanted to give me a job it would've been smart to give it to me when I needed it.. Lastly if I didn't respond to your first 2 phone calls last month chances are I don't want to work at your fuckin place so quit fuckin callin.

Anyway things have been goin pretty good.. This chick at work likes me but I'm not really into her but Connie keeps tryin to put us in situations where we will be alone.. Luckly all those occurances took place as I was real blazed so I was able to use that as an exuse and slither out of those situations without doing anything I prolly would've regreted.. I just don't know how to be mean.. It's not in my nature.. But speakin of being blazed I was blazed in a room full of drag queens the other night.. It was quite interesting.. Actually it was makin me kinda paranoid.. I'm not against that sorta thing but when I was high they were just making me nervous.

Only a little over a month now and then I start internship.. I'm kinda scared.. I will be entering a job that could possibly become a life long career.. I'm afraid I'm goin to suck balls and end up realizing dentistry wasn't for me and then being back at square one again.. That would suck cuz then I would have wasted all this time for nothing.. And then there is also the possibilty that I might do really good.. But that also kinda scares me cuz then that means the rest of my path is kinda set in stone.. I mean what if there is something else I might want to do and just haven't found it.. And I don't want to end up like my dad making career changes when I'm middle aged cuz I couldn't think of what I really wanted to do earlier in my life.

Anyway shit with me and Helen didn't really work out.. We stopped goin out a while ago I've just been too lazy to write bout it.. She was a real cool person but we were just too different and into too many different things.. We could never come to agreements on what we wanted to do or when one of us would just go to make the other person happy that person wouldn't really have a good time and the night would just get ruined.. So anyway there are two more current possibilities that I'm working on but I'm pretty sure Ashley doesn't like me and then Christina who I know likes me might be a lil too young.. I mean she is 18 but sometimes she acts like some chick still in highschool and I don't know if I want to deal with that.. Anyway I got to shower and get ready for class.

Peace out bitches!!!

"Women upset everything. When you let them into your life, you find that the woman is driving at one thing and you're driving at another." ~George Bernard Shaw
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