Dec 10, 2011 06:32
Blarg. So bad dress rehearsals make for good performances, right? I've enjoyed working with another director's interpretation of Messiah, especially since Maestro Warren-Green's interpretation is really quite different to the other directors I've worked with. However, last night's dress rehearsal really kind of went off the rails at the end. I'm Concerned. (Also the soloists are being really...dramatic, and it's odd. It's an oratorio. No need to overact, guys!)
I also have to say that the atmosphere there has just really changed since the last time I was there. It's dramatically clear that there's still a lot of bad feeling over the strike, which is understandable. Really, it's luck there's a season at all this year (and after all, that's why we're singing this concert and the Brahms/Adams at all, they were to go to MSU).
Like, rehearsals never go over, but there's this intense feeling about ending at exactly the right second. Or how we're cutting six movements and absolutely flying through the rest to make sure we don't go over by a minute. I don't know, it just seems kind of petty on all sides, both musicians and the administration.
I really hope it's less icky feeling when we do our two spring concerts, but I don't think it will be.
In crazy news, I've kind of inadvertently stopped sleeping nights. Not in a nocturnal sense, but I'm down to sleeping 2-4 hours. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not sleeping in a dark enough room or of there's something wrong. Sleep is the worst, you guys.