
Feb 24, 2003 23:58

I decided to answer this...
I don't know why, I don't apply to many...
ah well

people have you kissed: 2
boys have you given handjobs to: Just me.
girls you've fingered: 0
boys you given head to: none.
girls you've given head to: none.
sexual partners have you had: VIRGIN
Deal? uh?
Fetish? I couldn't say... I suppose I like it when there's a bit of thong showing...
Fantasy? In the pool or shower... who knows...
Favorite latest move? -
Favorite anything? -
Lingerie or no? I like the lingerie
Biggest problem?
does penis size really matter: not to me, but I'm sure it matters to girls
ever had a one night stand: nope
have you ever faked an orgasm: lol, no
girls,do you find porno movies arousing, or do you just watch them to satisfy your lover: -
if you had to choose oral/intercourse for the rest of your life, what would it be: I'd say intercourse...
how old were you when you lost your virginity: I'll let you know
girls, spit or swallow:
how many times a week do you masturbate: oh man...
have you ever had cyber sex: nope
phone sex: nope
flirted behind bf/gf's back: nope
does e-flirting count as cheating: hell no
threesome, if not would you have one?: probably not...
who with: -
foursome?: probably not
do you like the taste of jizz: never tried it...
girl juices: I couldn't tell you
s&m?: not my bag baby
vibrators: ...
sex toys?: ...
hair color: dark
shaved not shaved: shaved
position: dunno
oral / intercourse: um
sexiest part of a woman: eyes, ass, stomach or hands
of a man: I've been told I have nice eyes, too
boxer, briefs, boxer briefs, whities: boxer briefs
granny, fullbutt, g-string, thongs: that thong tha-thong thong thong
big chest / small chest: small
skinny / curvy / big: It's all good :D
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