Title: Disarming The Discorded (Part 3)
Pairing: KiWoon (Kikwang and Dongwoon of BEAST)
Genre: Romance, AU, drama?
Rating: PG-13.
Disclaimer: Doooo own not ;D
Summary: In which Dongwoon was a walking human magnet and Kikwang was a loner. In other words, Dongwoon was an obsessed Kikwang-observer and Kikwang was actually adored by everyone.
Kikwang gulped, willing himself to look away though he couldn’t, keen on plastering his gaze on the tall boy and his flexing muscles while he was rummaging through his closet for fresh clothes... )
loljk haha this is good. really.
[im starting to think that im a smut lover in denial]
And everyone loves smut, no? /looks around.
Thank you again bb, for stalking my fics, loool~ ♥
And btw, who's that in your icon? :O Is that..Kwanghaeng of Co.Ed?
HAHA yayuhh *proud stalker*
"i fail at writing smut"
Oh rly? I see you did just fine with the previous chapters? ;)
lol. nope he's Lee Jonghyun from CN Blue :)
Pls continue writing this one ^^
I'll be your stalker forever loool~
Previous chapters =/= smut, LOL. I mean like, REAL smut and not a teaser like in Part 1. xD And oh- Omg, he looks so much like Kwanghaeng there. ;~; Or maybe it's just my eyes... >_>
Someday I will finish this, so stay tuned! Lol~ ♥
i was such an innocent girl before k-pop and fanfics lol.
anyway, i will~:) <3
I got tainted at such a young age, lmao~
Yays, thank you~
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