Disarming The Discorded (Part 3)

Jul 29, 2010 02:35

Title: Disarming The Discorded (Part 3)
Pairing: KiWoon (Kikwang and Dongwoon of BEAST)
Genre: Romance, AU, drama?
Rating: PG-13.
Disclaimer: Doooo own not ;D
Summary: In which Dongwoon was a walking human magnet and Kikwang was a loner. In other words, Dongwoon was an obsessed Kikwang-observer and Kikwang was actually adored by everyone.


It hadn’t been a fairly sunny day, yet it startled them both as one or two droplets hit their head and skin. Breaking the kiss abruptly, they stared into each other’s eyes and found something very familiar there, so familiar that they couldn’t help but be drowned more and more into the depth of the orbs. Kikwang looked up at the sky as he formed a small frown on his forehead, not to mention a slight pout as well. Still having his arm around the other’s waist, Dongwoon noticed Kikwang’s uneasiness, pulling him closer to protect him from the offensing drops of water.

“My house’s the closest, come on,” Dongwoon said as he tugged Kikwang with him, leading them both to his house for the second time. There was little hesitance in the older boy’s eyes but he opted to stay silent, letting himself be dragged away from the alley, away from his fear and into the safety of Dongwoon’s arms. He knew it was unusual of him to cling onto other people, and he knew that it was because he was already attracted to the younger boy. There was another reason as to why he didn’t want to establish a relationship with anyone.

By the time they arrived in front of Dongwoon’s house, it was raining heavily already, wetting them from hair to shoes. Again, there was no one in his house, and it was dark yet so warm, so relaxing and calming. This time, Kikwang could feel Dongwoon’s presence everywhere in the house and it allowed him to breathe in relief, making his heart pound even faster than before. In the bedroom, Dongwoon passed him a fresh towel and started to dry himself with another. Sitting on the younger’s bed, Kikwang glanced up to take a look at the other.

Dongwoon’s uniform was wet, just like his, and he noticed how it made the curves of his perfect figure obvious. He didn’t even realize that he’d darted his tongue out to lick his suddenly dry lips as he gaped, staring at Dongwoon with slightly widened eyes. Kikwang gulped, willing himself to look away though he couldn’t, keen on plastering his gaze on the tall boy and his flexing muscles while he was rummaging through his closet for fresh clothes. Though, he had to tear his eyes off Dongwoon forcefully when the boy stood up and walked towards him, two pairs of pajamas in his hands.

“Here, change into these,” Dongwoon said softly, placing a pair of fresh pajama beside Kikwang as to not making it wet. He didn’t mind his bed though, he could always change the sheets - his mother stocked lots of bed sheets in his closet. For emergency situations, she had said, with a wink. Dongwoon still had no idea what his mother implied by the wink he received from her. “You should take a shower. Don’t want you to get sick,” he added, sitting down on the edge of the bed, attempting to dry his own hair with a towel.

Drying his hands with the towel the younger gave him earlier, Kikwang stole a quick glance at Dongwoon, silently hoping he would look back at him. When it didn’t happen, the older picked the pajama beside him and stood up on wobbly legs, towel around his neck. The bathroom was just on the other side of Dongwoon’s bedroom, but Kikwang felt as if it was a long journey, with his feet that could give up whenever. Luckily, Dongwoon saw this and he stood up as well, hands reaching out to Kikwang to support him, letting the older boy rely on him to walk. Kikwang was bewildered, looking up at Dongwoon with wide eyes, seeing him smile as he led them to the bathroom.

“Feel free to use anything,” he smiled before leaving Kikwang alone in the bathroom, closing the door behind him, ignoring his screaming mind to take advantage of the older boy’s vulnerability while he could. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t do that, because it’d just scare Kikwang even more. He didn’t want the other to think of him as a pervert. Or something even worse. When the sound of running water could be heard, he smiled to himself, pacing back to his bed and picking his own pajamas.

A while later, the sound from the bathroom stopped, leaving only silence in the now dimly lit bedroom. Kikwang stepped out the fairly wide, wet room with unsure steps, peeking from behind the door to take a look at the owner of the house. Unfortunately, it was a bit too dark in the room, so he could only make out the figure of the other lying down on his bed. Kikwang couldn’t help but smile and chuckle slightly, slowly walking closer to the younger boy that was sprawled on the sheets. Though, Kikwang raised an eyebrow when he noticed that the other was soundlessly sleeping.

“So silly, sleeping with wet clothes like that...” Kikwang whispered, the slightest bit of adoration obvious in the way he talked. Smiling though, he inched closer and started unbuttoning Dongwoon’s still wet shirt, not wanting the younger boy to catch a cold. Reaching for the towel just beside the sleeping boy’s head, his heart jumped when his eyes met Dongwoon’s - they were wide open, and Kikwang could see the surprised look in the beautiful deep brown color.

Quickly pulling away from Dongwoon, Kikwang blushed as a string of jumbled words flowed out of his mouth. “D-don’t get me wrong! I was just- trying to change your clothes- Why didn’t you change your clothes anyway- What were you doing while I was in the shower-...” And the ramble kept on going.

From his spot on the bed, Dongwoon could only stare at a rambling Kikwang. It was somehow endearing to him, because it was the first time he’d seen the other ramble. Usually it was either grumpy, short sentences or just plainly ignorance. But now, he wished he could explain the butterflies in his stomach and his jumpy heart. He couldn’t, that was why he pulled Kikwang back on top of him and sealed their lips together, earning a soft surprised gasp from the latter before finally relenting, eyes fluttering closed.

The first one was languid, and chaste, because they knew they had more than a few hours. They broke the kiss and stared into each other’s eyes, seeing a perfect reflection of what they were feeling. The second one lingered a bit longer than the first, and the third one lasted until a few minutes.

When Kikwang’s mind finally grasped what they were doing, his eyes fluttered wide open as he pulled away from Dongwoon. He could honestly feel his whole face heating up, and by imagining how red his face was at the moment, it made him blush even more. “I-I’m sorry! I-I…” And he just couldn’t find the right words to express himself. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t like the kiss - well, kisses, but then, there was something inside him that was contradicting everything he was feeling, and he couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

He hesitantly looked at Dongwoon, wondering what the other would tell him. Kikwang couldn’t honestly guess what he was thinking; after all, he was no mind-reader. The younger boy realized this though, noticing the hesitation in Kikwang’s voice and shifty gazes. He would never want to force him to do things with him; he’d always been a thoughtful person. Well, that one time when he was drunk was another thing, if he’d been sober then, he wouldn’t even do the simplest thing such as approaching the elder. Dongwoon was satisfied only by looking and watching over him from a distance.

Which was a total lie.

Reaching up a hand to stroke Kikwang’s cheek gently, he smiled as gentle, leaning up to place a kiss on his other cheek. “Don’t apologize... You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s okay, I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to do,” he explained, trying to reassure the other with his deep yet highly comforting voice.

The hand that fondled his cheek, the placid smile and the soft kiss seemed to send Kikwang comfort and relief, and it was really unusual for him to feel this way. His lips quavered to form a small smile because of Dongwoon’s thoughtfulness. “Thank you… Thank you for earlier… For saving me from those people…” His voice was shaking after the thought of what almost happened earlier came rushing back into his mind. If Dongwoon didn’t show up, who knew what would happen to him?

He shook his head gradually, trying to annihilate his thoughts of the ’accident’ a while before. Thinking about it gave him the chills. “How could I ever repay you...?” Kikwang asked in a tiny voice that it was almost a silent whisper. It was extremely rare for him to be this way, but he could do nothing about it.

Though, even before Kikwang could realize what he had just blurted out, Dongwoon suddenly turned them around so he was the one pinning the smaller boy on the bed, earning a surprised gap from the boy beneath him. Kikwang opened his mouth, trying to protest when Dongwoon breathed softly against his sensitive part on his neck. Blood came rushing to his cheeks as realization hit him on his head. Then again, he had nothing to protest about.


“Huh? Wha- What did you say...?”

Dongwoon raised his head, eyes staring deeply into those of Kikwang’s. He repeated his words, and the reaction he got from Kikwang could already be predicted; widened eyes with an obvious hint of surprise basically everywhere on his face.

“Would you go out with me?”

Those words echoed in Kikwang’s head.


A/N: OKAY SO NOT NC-17 YET /DYING. I'm so sorry but I love you and I have no excuse for the delay in updating...>_> RL issues and CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT I HAVE A CURFEW NOW? I'M FREAKIN' 19, FOR GOD'S SAKE! /rage. Ahh, I can really use a vacation right now... I'm officially dying u__u Anyways, I know that probably some of you have been waiting for the smut scene..but I just..couldn't. Yet. Lastly, thanks to misterricalx because she kinda helped me with some paragraphs xD First spot for you, bb, lulz~

subject: kikwang, pairing: dongwoon/kikwang, band: beast, subject: dongwoon

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