Crystal Hearts

Nov 23, 2012 21:50

Title: Crystal Hearts -- Heart Protectors AU
Pairing: None; implied Sehun/Luhan.
Genre: AU, romance, fantasy.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It had been over a year since Oh Sehun lost his consciousness.


It was raining that evening, dark clouds looming over the city like an ugly tattoo that could never disappear. It was also a bit cloudy in one of the hospital rooms, permanent grey clouds surrounding the atmosphere as it had been over a year since Oh Sehun lost his consciousness. Sehun had a guardian though; a loyal protector who was willing to risk his own life for his safety and happiness. His name was Luhan.

But, you see, the crystal heart in the chalice hanging around Luhan's neck like a necklace was glowing softly. It was too weak, like its power had been absorbed near to nonexistence some time ago. And it was true; one of the heart stealers had broken that chalice once and taken most of the heart's power. It was tragic, and Luhan, being Sehun's protector, was rendered powerless when it happened. He couldn't protect him; he failed to. That was why he had not left Sehun's side since then; he was afraid more heart stealers would come and attack Sehun in his weakest state.

But now, Luhan was resting. He was sleeping in another protector's lap, gentle fingers carding through his hair softly as if scared they'd break him.

'Have a sweet dream, hyung.'

The younger protector knew, though, that Luhan would never have anything sweet in his dreams, nor would he have any dreams at all. Because even in his sleep, Luhan was awake; he was more aware of his surroundings than ever.

These hospital visits he did were becoming very frequent, since an abnormal number of crime had been increasing all around the world. Their area was a relatively safe one, although if something did happen, it would be of a big scale, like Sehun's case last year. It left a scar in everyone's heart, and a particularly big one in Luhan's. After that day, Luhan had never been the same - he had lost his bright smiles and laughs along with Sehun's conscious.

And even if the crystal heart in his chalice was shining brightly, the young protector still had no idea whom he was protecting. Often times he would just stare at it, hoping, deep inside his heart, that he would be able to see the person soon. As long as the heart was still shining powerfully like that, he didn't have anything to worry about. Because that meant this person was still alive. He was anxious, waiting for the day of their first meeting.

On the other side of the big hospital room was another protector. This one was tall and strong, nothing like the petite protector cushioning Luhan's head. His hands were balled into fists on his sides, shaking slightly both in anger and sadness. It’s been over a year, he would whisper to no one but himself. Don't you think it's time for you to wake up?

Sehun-ah... Sehun-ah, please...

Day after day, night after night, he'd pray and beg and plead on his knees. The thing was, this protector treasured Oh Sehun as much as Luhan did, in his own way. Sehun was like a brother to him; a perfect, fragile brother that he had to protect even though Sehun possessed far more powerful magic than he did. He had made it his duty to be by Sehun's side no matter what happened, and he was as scarred as Luhan was because of this incident. Every time they came to the hospital, he would have tears in his eyes without realizing it after seeing Sehun's unchanging state.

This incident did not only shock those who were close to Sehun, but also a good part of the world because Oh Sehun, one of the younger generation's key bearers, had fallen victim to a heart stealer. What was more shocking, perhaps, was the fact that the person responsible for Sehun's current state was another key bearer, according to Luhan's testimony. The perpetrator was on his own, and he was able to break Luhan's chalice which contained Sehun's crystal with his own bare hands. There was no doubt that the person was a key bearer, and he was proved right when the forensics department confirmed the existence of an unusual tattoo on the dead body's right heel. Yes, the perpetrator was dead. And yes, Luhan killed him.

It was starting to spin, the wheels of destiny. Most people opted to stay low as if nothing happened, but there were some who couldn't accept what a fellow key bearer had done to another key bearer. There were also people who had been waiting forever to meet the owner of their heart, and deemed that they had waited and learned enough to depart from their comfort zone, to finally go and answer the callings of fate.

It had just begun.


& ha. haha. hahaha.
& idek what this is even.
& this au has been stuck in my head since forever tbh.
& idek if i did this au justice.
& this au will consist of oneshots and not chapters i suck at doing longfics
& and this is some sort of a prologue, so any questions you have might be answered in the upcoming chapters. ^^
& enjoy ♥

band: exo, pairing: sehun/luhan, subject: luhan, !heart protectors au, subject: sehun

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