[Drabble] Of Prince Charming And Rainbow Cakes & Of Winter And Scarves

Feb 19, 2012 16:12

Title: Of Prince Charming And Rainbow Cakes.
Pairing: Hoya/Myungsoo.
Genre: Fluff.
Rating: G.
Summary: Howon thinks he’s the prince charming to a certain Kim Myungsoo.

Prompt: Prince charming. From this prompt generator.


Howon likes to think of himself as Myungsoo's prince charming.

Myungsoo is too delicate, too precious to be handled in the wrong way because other people don't know what Myungsoo is made of. He's made of glass; of crystal which will shatter into pieces if you approach him with the wrong steps. They've never been separated all throughout their life, that's why Howon's always worried that Myungsoo might go somewhere out of his reach - and that is exactly how he feels whenever he sees Myungsoo with his friends (that are not Howon). But that's okay, because Howon is always there for him. That's okay, because Myungsoo still reserves a special smile just for him.

Myungsoo knows that Howon thinks of himself as his prince charming.

He's always been obsessed with fairy tales since they were kids, so it's not surprising that he's decided single-handedly to 'protect Kim Myungsoo forever and ever.' It doesn't bother him though, because he likes Howon and it's not like he's pestering him 24/7. Howon is a good friend and hyung, and Myungsoo really doesn't want to imagine where he'd be standing right now if it weren't for him.

Howon is a bit (or very) clumsy when it comes to Myungsoo - proved when he tries to cook one morning to surprise the younger but failing miserably because Myungsoo unexpectedly walks into the kitchen, widely awake, and makes Howon's heart skip a beat when he hears his name being called, resulting in him dropping the pancake mix onto the floor and stumbling on air. (Later, Myungsoo makes a mental note of never letting Howon touch the kitchen alone.)

Another time is when it's finally Myungsoo's 20th birthday. Howon tries to throw a surprise party for him, and he's already invited Myungsoo's circle of friends to his house. The plan is to pop the party poppers as the younger man walks through Howon's front door while yelling 'happy birthday!!' and then Howon will present him his favorite seven-layered rainbow cake and Myungsoo will make a wish before blowing the candles. The plan is executed smoothly without many incidents.

Except Howon trips on his own foot while presenting the cake.

It's deadly silent as everyone looks at the destroyed cake on the floor while Howon feels like jumping from the rooftop right that instant. But he doesn't get to because Myungsoo suddenly crouches down and takes a piece of a clean part of the cake and puts it in his mouth, licking his fingers and smiling. It tastes good, he says and Howon wants to cry.

The remaining five people in the room shake their head and wonder to themselves if Myungsoo is the actual prince charming as Myungsoo leans closer to Howon and places a kiss on the older's cheek (which only serves to make Howon blush and flail around).


Title: Of Winter And Scarves.
Pairing: Woohyun/Sunggyu.
Genre: Fluff.
Rating: G.
Summary: Sunggyu has a favorite scarf.

Prompt: Scarf. From this prompt generator.


Sunggyu has a favorite scarf. It's old and not stylish at all, but he still likes it very much because it's the first thing he ever received from Woohyun.

Sunggyu remembers the way he shivered on a particularly cold winter day where he forgot to bring his scarf with him because he was late to school. Woohyun decided to tackle him on the way because apparently it was funny to see Sunggyu slip on snow face first, before laughing at the expression he made and pressing a pack of body heater onto his cheek. The younger had questioned why he wasn't wearing a scarf after noticing he could see Sunggyu's neck, but Sunggyu was too grumpy to answer so he just replied with a grunt, pressing the warm pack onto his other cheek while walking away. Sunggyu could see his school's gate and was about to breathe in relief when Woohyun stopped him, stepping in front of him with a wide, greasy grin and wrapping a red scarf around his bare neck. Woohyun grinned one last time and left, practically skipping to class. Sunggyu stood dumbfounded, because he knew that the scarf was Woohyun's grandmother's.

He was late to class that day (and cursing Nam Woohyun for the rest of the day) but whatever, at least he wasn't cold anymore.

Sunggyu still smiles to himself whenever he sees that scarf and Woohyun always asks why he likes it that much when it's just an old, ugly scarf his grandmother used to make him wear everyday in winter. Sunggyu never gives him a proper answer, because the scarf actually serves as a constant reminder of why he hates Woohyun and his antics.

But life's good and if that day Sunggyu remembered to bring his scarf, he might not realize that he was, in fact, in love with the one and only Nam Woohyun.


A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY kuroiimiyumi!!! I wrote these drabbles for you, kekeke you didn't see it coming, right? 8D After all, I haven't wished you a happy birthday~ Happy, happy birthday, you're finally getting older! /shot. May you be happy forever etc, hope your day will be very much enjoyable and have fun! Love yooouuuu~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

subject: woohyun, pairing: woohyun/sunggyu, subject: howon (hoya), subject: sunggyu, pairing: hoya/myungsoo, subject: myungsoo (l), band: infinite

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