I know some people are sick of my ranting about wind farms. Just bear with me while I make a couple of points:
1. I am not against wind power. Wind power GOOD.
2. I am not against living near turbines. I have minor concerns about the sheep, but we'll all get used to it I'm sure, they're being careful about flicker, and no matter what system they adopt the things have to go somewhere. I am NOT a 'NIMBY'.
3. I AM against "solutions" that shove a little patch over an existing problem without considering the future problems that "patch" will solve. Don't for goodness sake force people to examine their lifestyles, just generate as much ''green" power as possible, as quickly as possible.
4. Bigger is NOT better, bigger is a perpetuation of the industrial model/mindset that caused our current problems in the first place.
I've been ranting about this for two years, and I'll admit it, they almost had me convinced to shut up.
And then they started killing bats With West Nile already a growing problem throughout the region in which the (really indescribably big) wind farm is being installed, and mosquitoes having bred wildly and often this year because of the wet spring/early summer, gosh what a great time to start killing off or driving off with radio signals one of their major predators.
How did they miss this? Well people, what do you think the "environmental studies" they are so responsibly doing are about? Actual testing? They CAN NOT KNOW the effect on the environment of these farms until they have built them and had them up for a few years. But instead of a gradual start, we have to have as many as possible as quickly as possible so our government and corporations have something "green" to point to.
All right, I'm done. If anyone wants me, I'll be down at the Human Race office. lining up to turn in my membership card.