Sorry, I couldn't resist using that! And I need to get an Obama userpic soon!
This is the list I have so far. I have it in a Word document with tables and colors but that did not copy too well into LJ without a lot of coding. I also saved it in HTML but it looked weird when I tried cutting-and-pasting it as an LJ post. So this is just plain text:
Cabinet and Cabinet-level officials
nominated by President-elect Barack Obama
Last updated December 3, 2008
Heads of Executive Departments
in order of the line of Presidential succession set out in Federal law *
(basically the order in which the Departments were created).
Preceding all of these in the line of succession, though, are the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, and the President Pro-Tempore of the Senate. **
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates***
Attorney General (Justice Department) Eric Holder
Secretary of the Interior not yet named
Secretary of Agriculture not yet named
Secretary of Commerce Bill Richardson
Secretary of Labor not yet named
Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Daschle (not yet officially named)****
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development not yet named
Secretary of Transportation not yet named
Secretary of Energy not yet named
Secretary of Education not yet named
Secretary of Veterans Affairs not yet named
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
*U.S. Code, Title 3, Section 19 (Presidential Succession Act of 1947 as amended). This law is available online at
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode03/usc_sec_03_00000019----000-.html, or at
http://uscode.house.gov, Wikipedia, and several other places.
**The current Vice President is Dick Cheney; the incoming VP (as of Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009) is Joe Biden.
The current Speaker of the House is Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). The House will vote on the Speakership in early January, 2009. Pelosi may or may not be re-elected.
The President Pro-Tem is, and probably will be, Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), who is the longest-serving Senator of the party currently holding the majority in the Senate.
***Gates, who has been Secretary of Defense since 2006 and is staying on with the new administration, does not need to be reconfirmed by the Senate because he already has been. The other nominees, however, do need Senate confirmation.
**** Daschle’s appointment has not yet been officially announced, but all the sources agree that he will be named to HHS. The same was true for Richardson and Clinton until they were announced for their posts as listed above.
Other people nominated for high-ranking positions in the Obama administration.
(Some of these positions are considered Cabinet-level, at the discretion of the President, and many of these nominees will require Senate confirmation, but none of these people will be in the line of Presidential succession.)
Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Peter Orszag
Director, National Economic Council Lawrence Summers
Director, Domestic Policy Council Melody C. Barnes
Chairwoman, Council of Economic Advisers Christine Romer
National Security Adviser General James L. Jones (USMC, Ret.)
White House Counsel Gregory B. Craig
Ambassador to the United Nations Susan F. Rice
U.S. Trade Representative not yet named
Director, National Drug Control Policy not yet named
Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency not yet named
There may be some other offices and nominees also to be named later.