Honest, that was my first thought when the count went over 270. As if we, collectively, the whole country, had been Scrooge and now it was that glorious morning after the spirits had visited him, and changed him, "all in one night."
Rob Owen, TV critic of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
points out, "it plays like the ultimate happy ending. But the reality is, it's just the end of a prologue. A whole book remains to be written."
Seventy-six more days.... Hey, George, don't let the screen door hit you on your way out. (Leave that to Cheney.)
Obama's victory speech in Grant Park was wonderful. McCain's concession speech was also very good; if he had been that civilized in his campaign, maybe the final score would have been closer. There was much too much negativity coming from McCain's supporters during the campaign (even during that speech).
I can't wait to see the little girls with their new puppy! It's going to be Teh Cute!
Apparently there are still some states that have not been decided, including some of the battleground states that had been deemed to be so important just a couple of days ago: Indiana (at least one TV network I saw had declared Indiana for Obama. Indiana went Democratic?!?!?!), North Carolina, Missouri, and Montana (though some have claimed it for McCain). So the final count is not yet certain. And there seem to be some doubts about the count in Georgia and Nebraska.
I am disappointed in West Virginia. Not terribly surprised, just disappointed. I am, however, very happy about Pennsylvania and Ohio.
I had to switch out the Will Rogers quote in my sidebar, and am auditioning new subtitles for my home page. Suddenly they both became obsolete!