a head cold which seems to have metamorphosed into a full-on sinus infection: -20
but which sounds worse than it feels, and which I am trying to overcome without antibiotics, because, hello, drug resistance: -10
a day at work which was full of incompetent braining on my part: -15
including EPIC SHELF-READING FAIL, meaning my coworker must go pick 5 pages worth of list again : -50.
(short story long: books what I thought were not there, were actually across the aisle. STUPID ANNEX SHELVING.)
no response from Thesis Adviser/Recommender after leaving him alone for a month post-info-dump email: aieee.
getting through Thanksgiving with mostly a minimum of family drama: + 15
quoting "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" at the Fraternal Unit, after he apparently complained about Paternal Uncle's stereo choices on the drive to the Thanksgiving restaurant: +20
having a Step-Mom with whom I get along and can commiserate with about Father-Related Issues: +35
discovering a new awesome cop-show/BBC movies in Foyle's War (Michael Kitchen is very good at his job) :+10
Less then a month till Christmas/Doctor Who, plus advent calendars even though I'm agnostic: yaaay
(I'm a very bad agnostic, really. I get so sucked in by all the trimmings, and I still love a good carol service. Maybe I need to turn pagan.)
Fic To-Do List (in no particular order)
(because 5.09 has thrown my ficcing world into chaos)
-"VITA"? Maybe? Kind off? Though after 100, it might need a present day epilogue.
- Some sort of prequel or sequel to "Birds and Bourbon", yet again pulled off course by the gravitational weight of 100.
- Mutiny in the BAU fic, with
amichevole - A "Five-Things" post-ep to 100, involving the Gentile version of Shiva food. Stretching through the aftermath to Haley's funeral and beyond. I have the food, now I just need to write the thing.
And finally, 5 Questions Meme, partie trois, thanks to my cousin and partner in crime
phantomcranefly :
1. What song (or artist, or even kind of music) do you listen to most often?
It changes from season to season. Right now, it's Johnny Cash's American Recordings, albums one through five. And it depends on the day, which one I'm interested in. If I'm feeling upbeat, I like "Country Boy" or "Mean Eyed Cat",off American Recordings; if I'm feeling more mellow or low, I go for American Three: Solitary Man. Especially his cover of Bonnie Prince Billy's "I See A Darkness." Johnny Cash has become my non-emo emo, sadly. And if I'm not in a Man in Black mood, I go for the Dylan. I'm having a Dylan redecouverture, centered around Highway 61 Revisited and "Desolation Row" (as any Dylan fan paying attention to my entry titles recently would have realized.)
2. What book do you most need/want to read and haven't?
Probably any one of Isaac Asimov's novels you could name. The Foundation trilogy, I Robot, etc. When my mother introduced me to Roger Zelazny last year, I was so glad she did, and for the remainder of my time at the homestead, I *need* to raid her science fiction and fantasy collection.
3. What's something you didn't know in college that you now wish you had? (Why, no, I have no ulterior motive. None at all. Really.)
That a lot of things you think are incredibly important and world-shattering at the time...turn out not to be. That you can move on, semester by semester, and the important things are what you make of them. Oh, and find the place you want to be, and the things you want to do, and the grades will usually follow. Happy and involved students get better grades.
4. Which is cutest: Tribbles, Adipose babies, or Pikachu?
Not Adipose babies definitely, because the eyes just freak me out. And Pikachu is too inherently powerful, and dangerous in that way, to be completely "cute." Even if Tribbles could be as dangerous with their overpopulation, it's a slower death than electrocution. So, Tribbles all the way.
5. Tolkien or C. S. Lewis and why?
Have to go with Tolkien, just on personal preference. I have to confess I actually never got past the first couple of the Narnia books. Maybe because I was introduced to them as a kid. And it never really clicked with me. (maybe this needs to go under "Books I need to read but haven't".) Sacrilege alert: I only started reading LOTR *after* the release of the first movie. (*prepares for flinging of produce*) I was in my junior year of high school, right after 9/11, and it was a case of right book, right time, right person. I read through all three of them in a bout a month, and then on to the Silmarillion. Maybe, as a mythology nerd, Middle-Earth just called to me more. For escapism, it's pretty violent and sad. But good does eventually triumph, even at a price. (See also my current obsession with Criminal Minds.) .And Sam Gamgee....'nuff said.
(Though I would still adore Lewis just for The Screwtape Letters alone.)
this ends tonight's ramble. Bonne Nuit.