Though still two episodes of Lucus being a cock still to go, yay.
28. How would you end the show?
When Harry leaves, preferably a quiet handing in his notice like Malcolm's, with the Grid continuing on, full of pretty spies saving the country while having angst.
29. Least favourite dodgy government type?
Mace was a bastard, but too much of a magnificent bastard to be a least favourite, and I don't suppose the real life government types are allowed, huh. How about the Home Office toady who didn't want Helen's death avenged, prompting Harry to go 'fuck it' and do it anyway.
30. Something you learned from watching the show
The sheer quantity of angst and emo that keeps this country safe.
1. Favourite episode? 2. When did you start watching? 3. Favourite guest star? 4. Favourite female character?
5. Least favourite female character?
6. Favourite location? 7. Best exit? 8. Worst exit? 9. Favourite baddie?
10. Least favourite baddie? 11. Favourite male character?
12. Least favourite male character? 13. Favourite couple? 14. Favourite quote?
15. Tom, Adam, Lucas: who would win in a fight?
16. Favourite actress?
17. Least favourite episode?
18. Most interesting plot? 19. Least interesting plot?
20. Plot that should have been developed/carried on? 21. An episode that made you cry?
22. Favourite actor? 23. Favourite personal interaction between characters?
24. Favourite quote?
25. Dream guest star? 26. Favourite dodgy government type?
27. What would you want to see in a Spooks movie?28. How would you end the show?
29. Least favourite dodgy government type?
30. Something you learned from watching the show